September 1, 1918: A team of three consisting of Max Devrient, Hermann Bahr and Robert Michel takes over the management of the Vienna Hofburgtheater

2023-08-31 22:44:14

Under Friday, September 1, the book of history records, among other things:

1818: In a London hospital, doctor James Blundell performs the first human blood transfusion. The recipient does not survive the transfusion.
1858: The first transatlantic cable between the UK and the US becomes operational but will only work until October 20th.
1863: The Frankfurt Princes’ Day, chaired by Emperor Franz Joseph, fails because of Prussia’s resistance to a Greater German Confederation under Austria’s leadership.
1878: In Boston, USA, the first operator, Emma Nutt, begins work.
1913: Chinese dictator Marshal Yuán Shìkai’s troops take Nanking and drive out Sun Yat-sen’s National Party (Kuomintang) leagues.
1918: A team of three consisting of Max Devrient, Hermann Bahr and Robert Michel takes over the management of the Vienna Hofburgtheater.
1923: A massive earthquake, followed by a tidal wave and devastating fires, hits Japan. Tokyo and Yokohama are destroyed, 143,000 people die.
1923: Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) becomes a British Crown Colony.
1928: The Albanian National Assembly proclaims the hereditary monarchy and bestows the title of “King of the Albanians” on President Ahmed Zogu, who has been in office since 1925.
1933: By decision of the Dollfuss government, the “Volunteer Assistance Corps” is set up from 10,000 short-term service men.
1943: Pope Pius XII asks the warring powers for a peace agreement in a radio speech.
1948: The “Parliamentary Council” of Germany’s western occupation zones meets in Bonn to draw up a constitution. The Christian Democrat Konrad Adenauer is elected chairman of the committee.
1948: The first issue of the German-language edition “The Best of Reader’s Digest” is published in Stuttgart.
1968: The Central Committee of the Czechoslovak CP elects a new party presidium and initially confirms Alexander Dubček as party leader.
1968: Soviet natural gas flows to Austria for the first time. The acceptance contract has been concluded for 23 years.
1983: Off the Soviet island of Sakhalin, a South Korean jumbo jet that went off course over the North Pacific is shot down by a Soviet interceptor. 269 ​​people are killed.
1988: Romania is closing its borders to Hungarian citizens.
1993: Russian President Boris Yeltsin has declared his deputy General Alexander Rutskoy deposed on charges of corruption.
2003: The Kurdish Workers’ Party (PKK) in Turkey has declared the ceasefire unilaterally announced in 1998 to be over.
2003: The Iraqi Transitional Council set up by the US occupying power forms a cabinet of 25 ministers.
2008: At a special summit, the EU sharply condemned Russia’s military intervention and recognition of the breakaway regions of Georgia. Further negotiations on a partnership agreement are made dependent on a Russian troop withdrawal to the positions before the outbreak of the war in Georgia.
2008: Ewald Nowotny succeeds Klaus Liebscher as governor of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank, Claus Raidl replaces Herbert Schimetschek as the new OeNB President.
2008: The Board of Trustees of the Richard Wagner Festival appoints Katharina Wagner (30) and her half-sister Eva Wagner-Pasquier (63) as successors to their father Wolfgang Wagner as directors of the Bayreuth Festival.
2018: During a trip as part of the so-called Girls’ Camp, an army boat carrying 13 people capsizes on the Danube near Hainburg. Two women aged 22 and 18 have to be resuscitated and flown to Vienna hospitals in critical condition. According to the report, a mistake by the boatman is responsible for the accident, who receives a diversion in court.

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birthdays: Johann Pachelbel, German composer (1653-1706); Carl Freiherr Auer v. Welsbach, east chemist (1858-1929); John Fuller, British General (1878-1966); Kenneth Thomson (Lord Thompson of Fleet), British Canadian newspaper publisher (1923-2006); Eduard Melkus, Austria. violinist and violist (1928); Per Kirkeby, Danish. artist (1938-2018); Ahmad Shah Massoud, afg. Mujahideen fighters (1953-2001).
days of death: Charles Renouvier, French philosopher (1815-1903); Ramón Serrano Súñer, Spanish politician (1902-2003); William S. Mud, US publicist (1904-1978); Fritz Cremer, German sculptor and graphic artist (1906-1993); Luis W. Alvarez, US physicist; Nobel Prize 1968 (1911-1988); Thomas J. Bata, Czech-Canad. Entrepreneur (1914-2008); Sir Terry Frost, British painter (1917-2003); Pál Csernai, Hungarian football coach (1932-2013); Jerry Reed, US country singer, actor (1937-2008).
name days: Ägidius, Ruth, Verena, Dagmar, Alois, Bronislawa, Pelagius, Josua, Anna, Harald, Andreas.

#September #team #consisting #Max #Devrient #Hermann #Bahr #Robert #Michel #takes #management #Vienna #Hofburgtheater

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