Ayurvedic Tips to Fight Chronic Inflammation Naturally

2023-08-31 20:46:53

Stress, poor diet, and a generally unhealthy lifestyle are not much help when it comes to fight chronic inflammation. Considered today as one of the main enemies of health, this —often underestimated— is a condition that does not give obvious symptoms, but is responsible for many diseases, as well as the aging of the body.

But how to combat it naturally? The expert in ayurvedic medicine Gupta Shivani, who has devoted an in-depth article to the subject in mindbodygreen.com, gives us some tips to achieve it. According to Shivani, the Ayurvedathe ancient Indian medicine, offers a holistic approach to fight chronic inflammationwhich is not considered a problem in itself, but rather a symptom of underlying imbalances in the body.

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What the principles of Ayurveda say

According to Indian medicine, these imbalances derive mainly from the three doshasvata (aire), pitta (fire) and kapha (earth)—, that is, the three vital substances present in the psychosomatic system from each person.

Specifically, the Chronic inflamationoften triggered by a hectic lifestyle, poor food choices, and accumulated toxins, is considered a manifestation of pitta aggravated. Indeed, it is pittahe dosha Associated with fire and heat, the one who governs metabolic processes in the body. When it is in excess, it can cause imbalances, which translate into Gastrointestinal disordersskin and inflammatory disorders.

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If you suffer from chronic inflammation this is an alternative to counteract it.

The Ayurvedic approach to treating inflammation delves into the root causes and aims to achieve harmony by pacifying the doshas aggravated and restoring balance through personalized remedies. Another key concept in Ayurveda es agni, or our “digestive fire”, which is considered vital for health. A agni balanced, continues to explain the expert, allows a proper digestion, nutrient assimilation, sustained energy, healthy aging, and also prevents the buildup of disease-causing toxins. You can check your digestive capacity by observing how you feel before, during and following eating.

So how can the principles of the Ayurveda for counteract chronic inflammation? Here are six tips from the expert.

1. Prioritize hot and cooked foods, as well as anti-inflammatory spices

Los good habits They must start at the table. In the first place, it is preferable to opt for hot and cooked foods, which ignite the digestive fire and reduce the risk of inflammation. The extra tip for the Ayurvedic diet? Add ginger and turmericpotent anti-inflammatory spicesto your meals for an added benefit.

2. Establish the proper daily rituals

Other advice from the expert Ayurveda is to create a daily routine that is in sync with your circadian rhythm. The ideal is to bet on rituals that favor detoxification, stimulate circulation and promote general well-being. Some examples? Self-massage with oil, as well as tongue scraping, an ancient practice of ayurvedic routine morning, which consists of effectively, but gently, removing the patina made up of unwanted bacteria, food debris and dead cells found on the surface of the tongue.

3. Exercise (but choose the right exercises)

Exercising is important, but so is choosing the right exercises for your body build. The expert’s advice is to focus on light morning exercises that jump-start your metabolism without overloading your system. A balanced exercise routine helps prevent imbalances that feed the Chronic inflamation.

4. Reduce stress


Contribute to your intestinal health by avoiding stress.

Stress acts as a catalyst for inflammation. That’s why it’s important to incorporate stress-reducing practices like meditation, deep breathing, and yoga into your daily routine to maintain emotional balance and quell imbalances. pitta.

5. Give importance to quality sleep

Another good habit to observe is not to underestimate sleep. Indeed, adequate and restful sleep facilitates cell repair, optimize metabolism and favors the inflammation management. Without quality sleep, according to the expert, it is not possible reduce inflammation effectively.

6. Maintain Seasonal Awareness

Lastly, the Ayurveda places great emphasis on adapting each practice according to seasonal changes. Therefore, understanding the influence that each season can have on the doshas allows decisions to be made that prevent imbalances and inflammation. Eating according to the season, but also adapting seasonal routines according to the dosha of each one can be, according to the expert, the key to staying balanced, since Ayurvedic principles ensure that each individual is a unique combination of the three doshaswhich are given in different quantities for each one.

Article originally published in Vanity Fair Italy.

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