President Miguel Diaz-Canel’s Announcement of Viral State and Hurricane Relief Efforts in Pinar del Río

2023-08-31 18:39:38

Miguel Díaz-Canel announced on Twitter that he is suffering from a “viral state”, to which he blamed not being able to visit Pinar el Ríowhich was hit last Monday and Tuesday by Hurricane Idalia, and where there are flooded areas and thousands of homes without electricity.

In a message addressed “to my compatriots”, The president assured that he is closely following “the recovery and I hope to be ready very soon to resume work with the intensity of always”.

This announcement, unusual among Cuban officials, who never make public their health ailmentscaused numerous official institutions and officials, as well as spokespersons and profiles known for amplifying official propaganda on social networks, to wish Díaz-Canel a speedy recovery in the forum of the publication, using the label promoted by the regime YoSigoAMiPresidente.

However, a not inconsiderable number reminded him of the “love” he inspires among Cubans.

For example, the profile that signs as Taoro recalled: “Don’t rush to recover, you’re not going to solve any problem with your visit to Pinar del Río anyway, just more expenses. The victims of the Isidore and Lily cyclones from Pinar del Río, 19 years ago, are still waiting for help from the State”.

For his part, Liborio in Cuba commented: “Hopefully I can get painkillers, antihistamines, fluids and a good diet to make this ‘viral state’ more bearable. As a Cuban from the town that you claim to be, go out and see how much of this you can achieve in today’s Cuba.”

The profile A Cuban in Brazil also reminded the president of the serious health crisis and shortage of medicines suffered by Cubans. “I want to see him standing in the same queue at the pharmacy that my mom does for several days, to know that he did not reach the medicines”wrote.

Not a few comments reminded Díaz-Canel of his tour of Africa last week, when he visited South Africa, Namibia and Mozambique. This is one more of the frequent international tours that in his less than six years in office, following being appointed by Raúl Castro, the president has made, always accompanied by large delegations.

In this last tour, the Cuban official did not miss the chance to make a fool of himself in public.

“There is no doubt that that last sentence in English in Namibia destroyed your local and immune defenses.
Too much effort and stress to generate that crazy phrase. Get well soon, we feel a ‘jar filin’ for you and we need to continue having fun with your nonsense,” Taoro reminded him.

And, in anticipation of his as yet unconfirmed visit to New York in September, to participate in the UN General Assembly, the rapper Marichal warned him: “Viral is going to be the embarrassment that the free Cubans in New York are going to put you through. Wait and see.”

#hope #find #medicines #pharmacy #DíazCanel #announces #sick #Cubans #give #love



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