What are the five most “smart” cities in Argentina

2023-08-31 17:02:29

As we explained in a previous note, smart cities are those that use connectivity, sensors distributed in the environment, and other technologies to solve immediate problems, organize urban scenarios, and generate innovative responses to improve people’s quality of life.

“A smart city must have digital characteristics to make aspects such as mobility, health, safety, water, energy, economic development, housing and waste more efficient,” says Agustín Cencic, an engineer at Dahua Technology, a company that manufactures surveillance cameras. By the way, he adds that these “play a fundamental role by providing not only security and constant monitoring of public spaces and critical areas, but also optimizing tasks such as vehicular traffic control, efficient management of public transport, accident prevention and even data collection and information for further analysis.

Globally, cities such as Copenhagen, Lausanne, London and Singapore are benchmarks for their ability to implement technological solutions for the benefit of the community. What are the most “smart” cities in Argentina? Dahua Technology developed a ranking in which the work of five large urban centers in the country stands out.

1- Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. The national capital stands out for its implementation of solar panels, patent monitoring cameras, waste management system and sustainable mobility programs, such as the public bicycle service. Thanks to all this, it ranks 124th in the world ranking, according to The Smart City Index 2023.

2- Cordoba. In 2021, the Municipality received the Smart City distinction for the “Smart Cities Study” presented by the World Organization of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), thanks to its advances in digitization and its technological response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In this note we delve into the case of Córdoba, which launched a digital management platform that functions as a communication channel between the Government and citizens, which allows neighborhood complaints to be resolved.

3- Rosary. The city of Santa Fe stands out for its lighting plan, aimed at generating less consumption and greater energy efficiency. In addition, the Municipality plans to install 600 video surveillance cameras with artificial intelligence (AI) in September to improve security.

4-Mendoza. In 2019, it became the pioneer province in the implementation of 100% electric transport within the framework of the Sustainable Mobility Plan for the Mendoza Metropolitan Area 2030, published by the provincial government. In addition, so far this year, the police video surveillance system has already been updated with the installation of around 700 state-of-the-art security cameras integrated with AI.

5- Jump. So far in 2023, 500 video surveillance cameras have been deployed in the province (the majority in the capital), within the framework of the expansion of the Video Surveillance Service of the Security and Justice Plan 2021 – 2023. The city has also made progress in add technology to improve mobility.

For Cencic, the prospects for more cities to use these types of resources are good: “With greater investment in technological infrastructure, a focus on citizen participation, and strong collaboration, Argentina has the potential to emerge as a leading player in the world. of Smart Cities, improving the quality of life of its inhabitants and building a more sustainable and efficient future”.

This article was originally published on RED/ACCIÓN and is republished as part of the “Human Journalism” program, an alliance for quality journalism between RÍO NEGRO and RED/ACCIÓN.

#smart #cities #Argentina



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