Simpla Club creates Fixed Income asset analysis area

2023-08-30 20:30:06

Simpla Club, the analysis house of the Simpla Invest holding, has just launched the fixed income analysis area. Research currently has more than 9,000 clients and analyzes a variety of assets, including stock rankings, real estate funds, Stocks (international shares), REITs (international real estate funds) and indication of ETFs in Brazil and abroad.

For the new area, the company brought analysts with CNPI certification (National Investment Professional Certificate and outlined a strategy divided into five pillars: Size, which analyzes the relevance of the institution in the sector and its financial robustness; Governance, which focuses on the institution , as well as its transparency; Solidity, which analyzes the institution’s ability to honor its financial commitments; Quality of Assets, which verifies the security of the institution’s credit portfolio, as well as its other assets and, finally, Growth, which verifies the history of past results and future prospects.

Lucas Rufino, founder and CEO of Simpla, explains that the new area was what was needed to close the cycle of possibilities for customers. “Knowing that most of our clients are exposed to fixed income, it is important that we play the role of curator and analysis to find good securities and issuers. So, the investor can further diversify his portfolio, taking advantage of investments that can bring good returns with low risk, in addition to complementing the variable income strategy”, explains the executive.

The analysis house Simpla Club currently has more than 9,000 customers, a growth of 250% in the last 12 months and intends to close the year with more than 12,000 subscribers, according to data released by the company. Holding Simpla Invest has grown its revenue by more than 180% per year, in each of the last three years, and the forecast is to close the year with R$15 million in net revenue, the company informed when analyzing its data. In addition to Simpla Club, Simpla Invest also holds the I Investor, a platform for financial education and investment courses and Simpla Consultoria, where certified professionals manage clients’ assets with more than R$200,000 in investments.

Recently, the group launched RufsGPT, artificial intelligence that will help answer and resolve investor queries. Initially, as a testing phase, it will only be offered to students enrolled in the “Eu Investidor” course, where the company offers learning regarding the financial market. But, following testing, it will be open to any interested public. The tool does not recommend investments.


#Simpla #Club #creates #Fixed #Income #asset #analysis #area



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