Creating a Canon for Belgium: Celebrating the Remarkable Figures That Shaped Our Country’s History and Values

2023-08-31 07:10:00

This is the opinion of some thousand readers and Internet users who have expressed themselves since the launch in July of our summer series “Do you need a cannon for Belgium?”. On the list of twenty names proposed by the editorial staff, Sister Emmanuelle and Edith Cavell for women, Jacques Brel and Hergé for men would best characterize the spirit of our country.

This list was – we are aware – subjective and limited. Some contributors rightly regretted that it did not contain industrialists or scientists. However, the series then put forward Georges Lemaître, father of the Big Bang theory, or Adolphe Quetelet, creator of modern statistics.

These personalities have therefore significantly marked the history of Belgium. They contribute to its collective memory. They serve as international ambassadors and showcases to best present our distinctive traits and values. They might thus be part of a Canon for Belgium if the public authorities decide one day on the usefulness of producing one.

Like Flanders, which has drawn up a list of references that shape Flemish culture, should Belgium establish its own “canon”?

Edith Cavell, devotion to others and resistant to oppression

Born in Great Britain, this director of an innovative nursing school in Ixelles died on October 12, 1915 in Brussels, then under German occupation during the First World War. She, who treated German and Allied soldiers, was shot by the Germans for having organized the passage of hundreds of Allied soldiers from Belgium to the neutral Netherlands thanks to an escape network. The night before her execution, she said her famous words: “Patriotism is not enough, I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone”.

Despite international pressure and press, she was executed. This popular martyrdom symbolizes the devotion of a woman in times of war.

“She embodies humanist values ​​and gives them a universal dimension.” (Michael)

“Resistor image and reference.” (pol)

“For his international aura following his dedication to a humanitarian cause.” (Vincent)

“His profession, his involvement and his courage make him an example for everyone!” (Immanuel)

“She changed the vision of the present and therefore of the future, to try to make a better world.” (Fox)

“She marked the country with her courage. Every Belgian citizen should be proud and grateful.” (Bernard)

“Exemplary. In History with a capital H.” (Thierry)

“Resistance to oppression, self-sacrifice, concern for others.” (Charles)

“For his moral values ​​and his strength of character.” (Francoise)

“She risked her life and fought to uphold the rights of others. Not a person who sought fame.” (Willame)

“Carrier of moral values.” (Rock)

“His action has served humanity.” (Lucy)

“Sacrifice for a great cause.” (Christian)

“She improved the living conditions of her contemporaries, saw beyond her personal interests and remains a source of inspiration.” (Sylvia)

Should we create a canon for Belgium?

Sister Emmanuelle for her altruism in the service of the underprivileged

Born Madeleine Cinquin on November 16, 1908 in Brussels, she was nicknamed the “little sister of the ragpickers” or “little sister of the poor”. This nun, known throughout the world for her charitable works in Egypt with children and the poorest, is a symbol of the cause of the underprivileged. It is highlighted because:

“She made the values ​​of the Belgian people shine throughout the world: benevolence, altruism and courage.” (Frederic)

“A person who elevates us”; (Elizabeth)

Her personality, her commitments, her achievements: History speaks for her.” (Laurent)

“Dedication and love of neighbor.” (Christian)

“She made the gift of herself to welcome and help the most deprived. In this double capacity, for a Belgium which is a land of welcome, she deserves the palm of your survey,… which she would certainly have refused. Besides.” (Jack)

“Humanitarian and charismatic who has done a lot of good in joy.” (Marie-Francoise)

“For his action in favor of the most miserable.” (Anne)

“Heart and generosity.” (Nelly)

“Sister Emmanuelle because the greatness of a country also lies in its openness to other peoples. She did so with generosity, simplicity and humour.” (Anne)

“She practiced charity, in the full and complete sense of the word, the highest of virtues.” (Jeans)

“For his determined, active and fraternal choice to watch over the most precarious, with absolute respect for their human dignity.” (George)

“She brought a plus to humanity.” (Evelyne)

“His devotion and selflessness are exemplary and inspiring qualities of heart.” (Roselyn)

“The gift of self, courage, being.” (Peter Paul)

Greatness of soul, first!” (Frédéric)

Self-forgetfulness and total gift to others.” (Michel)

“Belgian chocolate know-how should be elevated to the rank of intangible cultural heritage by Unesco”

Hergé who made a little Belgian known all over the world

Georges Remi, known as Hergé, was born on May 22, 1907 in Etterbeek. He is the author of the Adventures of Tintin, one of the most popular comic strips of the 20th century.

In the choice of readers and Internet users, this comic book author is close behind Brel “for their international influence”, “summits in their field”, “personalities who have dared”, “talent and world renown”. “who embody the Belgian nectar” (Mélanie), “culture and heart, which enriches our community” (Krystyna), “success did not go to their heads; they brought a lot of happiness and smiles to Mr. and Madame Tout-le-monde” (Françoise), “real Belgians who make our country loved” (Danielle), in short between them, “they are wonderful ambassadors for our country, a land of culture and differences” (Ingrid ).

But Hergé stands out “because his creative genius made a little Belgian known all over the world.” (Jack)

“His work speaks to a very large number of people, beyond borders, language barriers or cultural differences.”


“He made comics an art in its own right and produced timeless works.” (Harold)

“Thanks to this genius and visionary creator, Belgians were the first to walk on the moon.”


“For the influence of the art of Belgian comics and this so Belgian “good child” spirit, translated into all languages.” (Alan)

“Founder of a literary type, for all ages, universal, stands the test of time! Tall and modest.”


“He made Belgian culture shine in a universal way, by expressing the values ​​of humour, dedication and service. Translated into 120 languages ​​in 250 million copies, he placed our country on the world map.” (Matthew)

“His excellence and belgitude shone around the world” (Robert). So much so that “General De Gaulle even declared that Tintin was his only competitor”. (Jean Marie)

“Bringing excellence into the living room of the Belgians is the great victory of the Queen Elisabeth Competition”

Jacques Brel, who made Belgianness an art

Born on April 8, 1929 in Schaerbeek, this author interprets “Ne me quitte pas”, “Le plat pays”, “Quand on n’a que l’amour”, “Marieke”, “Ces gens-là”, “Madeleine ”, “Les Flamandes” or “Mathilde” was also a source of inspiration for many English-speaking singer-songwriters such as David Bowie, Alex Harvey and Leonard Cohen. We can guess why our readers and Internet users have placed it on the top of the podium.

“For his immortal texts, his energy on stage which have inspired so many other artists.” (Didier)

“His personality will transcend time and his dimension goes far beyond our borders.” (Yves)

“Belgitude on edge of skin and lips.” (Apolline)

“Song with Brel is not a minor art.” (Marie-H)

“The champion of Belgium and a wonderful storyteller of the human condition.” (Jeans)

“A rebellious genius.” (Yves)

“Flamboyant texts.” (Bernard)

“Precursor and humanist: a whole and disturbing personality.” (Christian)

“He understood everything regarding our country.” (Bastian)

“Brel for his poetic repertoire on love, the failings of a certain bourgeoisie, the beauties of the country. His responses in interviews were also so full of common sense and humanism.” (Janine)

“He made Belgianness an art.” (Tanguy)

“He makes you dream.” (Jeans)

“His Flat country raised me.” (Ron)

“He showed his attachment to a bilingual and joyful Belgium.” (Married)

“High-flying culture.” (Martina)

“A lasting and timeless work.” (Kate)

“Belgitude in all its splendour. A Flemish? A French speaker? First of all a true artist and an exceptional poet.” (Jean Claude)

“These creators are the rope leaders of humanity.” (Jean Louis)

“He takes us by the guts.” (Jean Pierre)

Georges Lemaître, the Belgian scientist who will have conquered the world following overcoming criticism and mockeryDo you know the Belgian Adolphe Quetelet, this father of modern statistics who helps us think regarding the future?
#Belgian #personalities #marked #history #top



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