Water Plan: the Government is accelerating the reuse of treated wastewater (REUT)

2023-08-30 09:38:05

The culmination of in-depth work to develop a circular water economy while guaranteeing health safety, the ministers, Christophe Béchu, Minister for Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion, Aurélien Rousseau, Minister for Health and Prevention, Agnès Firmin Le Bodo, Minister Delegate in charge of Territorial Organization and Health Professions, as well as Sarah El Haïry, Secretary of State in charge of Biodiversity, sign a decree which simplifies the procedures for the reuse of treated wastewater (REUT).

Faced with a scarcity of water resources and intensifying episodes of drought, the President of the Republic presented on March 30 the “Water Plan” for a more resilient and concerted management of the resource. This action plan provides in particular for the recovery of so-called “unconventional” water with the aim of developing 1,000 reuse projects throughout the territory by 2027 and multiplying by ten the volume of reused treated wastewater. for other uses by 2030.

The use of treated wastewater (REUT) is indeed an essential solution because it contributes to saving water resources by replacing withdrawals from nature, or even the use of drinking water for certain uses that do not don’t need it. The idea is to use the water leaving the treatment plants for certain non-domestic uses, which today consume drinking water, such as cleaning roads or watering green spaces. The new decree published today thus aims to clarify the scope of the possible uses of treated wastewater and to simplify its authorization while respecting the health of populations and ecosystems.

This decree provides for advances eagerly awaited by the players:

  • The removal of the “five-year” project limitation: the projects will no longer be necessarily limited to an experimentation of a maximum duration of 5 years. The abolition of this period will make it possible to amortize costly investments in the reuse of water and to promote investments;
  • A simplification of the instruction of the files: a simple and no longer compliant opinion from the health authorities will now be required;
  • An increase in the volume of reusable water: new volumes might be mobilized thanks to the use of treated wastewater from “small stations”. It will also be possible to use the water from the stations independently of the quality of the sludge produced, and the treated wastewater produced in one department may be used in a neighboring department.

The decree will very soon be supplemented by ministerial decrees which will specify in particular certain thresholds and conditions of use for agricultural uses and the watering of green spaces.

In addition, two other packages of regulatory texts are also being finalized to develop the recovery of non-conventional water, one concerning domestic uses and the other the food industry.

The Government’s priority is to develop the REUSE on the coast, where this freshwater resource is discharged into the sea and does not contribute to the supply of watercourses (low water level support). A partnership was forged in April between the State, Cerema and the national association of coastal elected officials (ANEL) to offer coastal territories a support system for feasibility studies with an annual envelope of 2 million euros.

The unprecedented increase in the financial resources of the Water Agencies, +475 million euros per year, will make it possible in particular to support local authorities in the work of REUT projects.

For Christophe BechuMinister for Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion, and Sarah El Hairy, Secretary of State for Biodiversity: “Water is essential for our health, our ecosystems and our economy. Everyone has now become aware that it should be saved. In order to guarantee future needs in a context of climate change, we are going to structurally reduce water withdrawals by supporting changes in practices: with the Water Plan announced in March by the President of the Republic, we are going to achieve 10% savings in water by 2030. In this context, we are fully mobilized to develop water reuse projects, in a logic of circular economy. It is an essential lever for reconciling the preservation of natural environments and urban, agricultural and industrial needs. »

For Aurelien RousseauMinister of Health and Prevention, and Agnes Firmin Le Bodo, Minister Delegate in charge of Territorial Organization and Health Professions: “The balance between benefit and risk has changed considerably. Since last year, we have adapted our approach to drinking water consumption. This now requires better consideration of this risk of rupture because the lack of drinking water is as important as that of the health risk. In this global perspective of “One Health”, a single health, the adaptation and diversification of our water sources according to uses, while guaranteeing good human health and that of our environment, is the challenge. which must animate all the actors. »

Contacts presse

Press service of Christophe Béchu, Minister for Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion

Winter: 01 40 8I 78 31

Email: communication.mtect@ecologie-territoires.gouv.fr

Press service of Aurélien Rousseau, Minister of Health and Prevention

Tel: 01 40 56 60 60

Email: sec.presse.cabsante@sante.gouv.fr

Press service of Agnès Firmin Le Bodo, Minister Delegate in charge of Territorial Organization and Health Professions

Winter: 01 40 8I 78 31

Email: communication.mtect@ecologie-territoires.gouv.fr

Press service of Sarah El Haïry, Secretary of State for Biodiversity

Tel: 01 40 81 10 98

Email: presse.seb@biodiversite.gouv.fr

#Water #Plan #Government #accelerating #reuse #treated #wastewater #REUT



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