Efficient nitrogen fertilization of cotton

2023-08-30 14:48:25

How to be efficient in the nitrogen fertilization of cotton?

Nitrogen fertilization for cotton is of paramount importance to reach high productive ceilings. But how much to use and how to make this supplementation? This and other subjects will be up for debate starting today, Monday, the 28th, during the XV Cotton Technical Meeting, of the MT Foundation (Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa Agropecuária de Mato Grosso), which runs until Wednesday, the 30th of August.

This and other questions related to culture will be answered by researchers and specialists in the sector, during an event by the MT Foundation that started today, 28, in Cuiabá-MT

The first point to be raised on the subject, according to the institution’s agronomist and researcher of Soils and Production Systems, Felipe Bertol, is that cotton may or may not respond to nitrogen fertilization, it all depends on the soil and climate conditions in which are inserted. “There are many points that must be weighed. Technically, the organic matter content present in the area, acidity conditions, productive potential of the plot and the productivity expectation must be observed. In addition, attention should be paid to which source of Nitrogen (N) to use and what benefits it will bring”, he points out.

Guilherme Ohl, also an agronomist and consultant at Ceres Consultoria Agronómica, who participates in the panel, reinforces the importance of attention to the environment. He goes further, noting that fertilization has to meet the needs of the plants and the edaphoclimatic conditions in which they are inserted.

Dosage of nitrogen fertilization for cotton

“Depending on the type of soil, more clayey, for example, it is recommended to fertilize in a few installments with N. While for more sandy soil, it is necessary to divide it more. Depending on the amount of rain, the nutrient can lose quantity either by surface erosion or by leaching into the soil. So, it is necessary to try to understand the whole scenario in order to spread it out and have greater success in absorption”, explains the expert.
Despite the importance of replenishing the nutrient, the MT Foundation researcher points out that there are still not many tools for predicting which dose of N to use, “so what will dictate is the price of the input and cotton, in line with technical knowledge of people”.

Elena Santos researcher in Rondonopolis

In addition, he points out that it is fundamental to observe the climatic conditions related to the sowing window in order to have an accurate dose and effective splitting. “We recommend that the N dose be carried out according to the historical productive potential of the plot, as well as analyzing all the efficiency parameters of nitrogen fertilization”, he reinforces.

Scenario for nitrogen fertilization in cotton farming

For the next few years in cotton farming, Bertol bets on a scenario without many changes in relation to nitrogen fertilization, however, he points out that the producer can wait for new agronomic concepts applied in an economical way in the culture.

The consultant from Ceres also sees that technologies are coming to reduce N losses, which might help with fertilization. “It is important to emphasize the need to understand the dynamics of N, not only it, but in conjunction with other nutrients, because cotton nutrition cannot be focused on just one, but on all of them, seeking their balance to provide a good amount for the plant so that it can express its maximum productive potential”, he concludes.

Fundação MT completes 9 harvests with the experiment

To better understand the scenario, Fundação MT conducts the Cotton Nitrogen experiment for 9 harvests, in Sapezal-MT, where it tests doses of the nutrient associated with splitting throughout the cycle.

The event

The Algodão Technical Meeting aims to disseminate research data from different institutions, present the MT Foundation’s position, promote dialogue on the bottlenecks of cotton growing, discuss aspects of the harvest and plan the next one. The three-day event includes both online and face-to-face modalities, with lots of information for the production class and industry professionals to update themselves.

About the MT Foundation

MT Foundation: Created in 1993, the institution plays an important role in the development of agriculture, providing support to the agricultural environment in its mission to provide technical, impartial and reliable information to guide the producer’s decision-making process.

The headquarters are located in Rondonópolis-MT, with three laboratories and greenhouses, six Learning and Dissemination Centers (CAD) distributed throughout the State in the municipalities of Sapezal, Sorriso, Nova Mutum, Itiquira, Primavera do Leste with a support point in Campo Verde and Serra da Petrovina, in Pedra Preta. For more information access www.fundacaomt.com.br and download the institution’s application.

#Efficient #nitrogen #fertilization #cotton



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