???? Agathis lanceolata – Definition and Explanations

2023-08-29 05:37:36


Agathis lanceolata Classical classification Reign Plantae Division (Division is a law of composition which associates the product of the first by…) Pinophyta Class Pinopsida Order Pinales Family Araucariaceae Genus Agathis Binomial name (In taxonomy (botany, zoology, etc. ), the binominal name, or binomial, comes from the…) Agathis lanceolata
(Lindl. ex Sebert & Pancher) Warb., 1900 Phylogenetic classification (Phylogenetic classification is a system for classifying beings…) Order Pinales Family Araucariaceae IUCN conservation status:

CD  : Conservation Dependent
(name from before 2001)

Agathis lanceolata, or Forest Kaori or Southern Kaori, is a species (In life sciences, the species (from the Latin species, “type”) of conifer of the Araucariaceae family. It is found only in New Caledonia (New Caledonia is an archipelago in Oceania located in the Pacific Ocean…) It is threatened due to the destruction of its habitat.


Foliage and cone

Giant of the dense moist and evergreen rain forest of low and average (The average is a statistical measurement characterizing the elements of a set of…) altitude (The altitude is the vertical elevation of a place or a object in relation to a level…) from the South of Grande Terre (Earth is the third planet of the Solar System in order of distance…), it reaches 40 m in height (The height has several meanings depending on the area addressed.) for a diameter (In a circle or a sphere, the diameter is a line segment passing through the center…) between 60 and 150 cm. Its largest specimen, the “Giant Kaori” of the park (A Park is an enclosed natural land,[1] formed of woods or meadows, in which were…) River (In hydrography, a river is a watercourse which flows under the effect of…) Blue (Blue (of the Old High German “blao” = brilliant) is one of the three colours…), over 1000 years old, with a diameter of 2.70 m above the foothills.

The bole is long, clear, regular and almost cylindrical, with a slight decrease towards the top. It measures between 10 and 20 m, but it can reach 25 m.

The bark (Bark is the outer covering of the trunks, branches, and roots of trees, and more…), dark gray to reddish-brown in hue, is smooth at first, light gray and peeling in thin plates, before becoming rough and detaching in small irregular scales, with many small lenticels of color (Color is the eye’s subjective perception of one or more wave frequencies…) Brown. It produces a yellowish resin.

The branches are arranged regularly on the trunk (A trunk can be:) in a plagiotropic horizontal position. They can measure up to 15 m and support a particularly dense stepped branching towards their end.


Dammara lanceolata Lindl. ex Pancher & Sebert


Kaori has mainly been used since the 19th century as lumber, carpentry, for boats, carpentry and cabinet making. Today it is used for the revegetation of slightly degraded land (its participation is however marginal for the rehabilitation of mining land – the species Acacia spirorbis or Casuarina collina being much more suitable).

A plantation program (A plantation is a monoculture farm of high-value crops…) has been in place for more than 35 years. The mastery (The mastery is a degree or a university diploma corresponding to the degree or title of …) silvicultural is acquired and the beginning of a sector (A sector is a series of formalities, jobs to be completed before arriving at. ..) economic is constituted, first with nurseries, all Melanesian. The program is too recent for exploitation and sawing (the species requires at least 50-60 years of growth to be able to be exploited). Moreover, despite the success on the whole (In theory of sets, a set intuitively designates a collection…) of the southern half of New Caledonia, the damage due to the proliferation of the rusa deer (Cervus timorensis) reduced the possible planting area currently in the extreme south of Grande Terre, where deer rarely venture, and on the island (An island is a stretch of land surrounded by water, whether this water is that of a watercourse, a…) of the Pines.

Planting in the Lake District

Planting in the Lake District

Planting in the Lake District

New plantation (less than a year) – Montdore (Champ de Bataille)

Damage caused by rusa deer – Col d’Amieu

One-year-old plant – Nursery in La Foa

#Agathis #lanceolata #Definition #Explanations



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