The IIIA 2023 Induction Conference: Exploring Motivations and Integration into the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA) Community

2023-08-28 17:07:03

In order to familiarize them with and integrate them into the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA) community, the university students shared with the academics the motivations that led them to pursue a postgraduate course in artificial intelligence

Sergio Hernández and Marcela Quiroz led the activities of the day

Writing Universe

Photos: Roberto Cruz Estrada

08/28/2023, Xalapa, Ver.- The Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA) of the Universidad Veracruzana (UV) held the IIIA 2023 Induction Conference, with the purpose of familiarizing and integrating new students of postgraduate courses to the community of the academic entity.

The activity was carried out in the hybrid classroom and was led by the coordinators of the Master’s and PhD in Artificial Intelligence, Sergio Hernández Méndez and Marcela Quiroz Castellanos, respectively.

In the session, the university students shared with the academics the motivations that led them to pursue a postgraduate course in artificial intelligence (AI), a dynamic and fashionable area, especially in the field of regenerative AI with ChatGPT and its competitors, as well as the creation of photographs, videos, paintings and art in general.

Speech by Virginia Angélica García Vega, founder of what is now the IIIA

One of the outstanding participations was that of Virginia Angélica García Vega, who almost 30 years ago was the promoter and founder -together with José Negrete Martínez and Manuel Martínez Morales- of the Master’s Degree in AI, which over the years and its growth derived in the IIIA.

Sergio Hernández spoke regarding the history of the institute; He presented the academic bodies and lines of research, as well as procedures and generalities of the postgraduate educational program (PE). Marcela Quiroz did the same to present the PhD PE and mobility options for students.

Santiago Herce Castañón, postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Systems Research of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, also participated with the talk “Modeling of human learning and generalization” in which he stated that it is easy for the human brain to understand or infer answers, thanks to its experience and flexibility to adapt to different contexts.

Students and academics participating in the induction session

“This is not the case for AI algorithms, which can be very efficient in their field, but difficult to adapt to another, so it is necessary to generalize and build complex models that lead to the much-desired artificial general intelligence.”

Finally, Guillermo de Jesús Hoyos Rivera showed the university students the IIIA Sustainability Plan that seeks to raise awareness in the entire community to implement actions in favor of health and the environment.

Categories: Science, Events, General, Inclusion

Tags: hybrid classroom, ChatGPT, Doctorate, Students, IA, IIIA, Induction, Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, artificial intelligence, conference, Master’s, Marcela Quiroz Castellanos, new entry, postgraduate, regenerative, Roberto Cruz Estrada, Sergio Hernández Méndez, Virginia Angelica Garcia Vega

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