2023-08-27 07:33:38
Antioxidant-rich blueberries… lower bad cholesterol and protect our bodies
Enter 2023.08.27 16:30 Hits 16 Enter 2023.08.27 16:30 Edit 2023.08.27 11:34 Hits 16
Blueberries are rich in antioxidants and dietary fiber that protect our body from disease, which is helpful for longevity.[사진=아이클릭아트]What are the foods you must eat if you want to live a long and healthy life? There are many good foods, but many experts point to blueberries as the fruit responsible for our health. Blueberries are small in size, but their power is a superfood. There are many studies that prove the effectiveness of blueberries. Thehealthy, an American health portal, also emphasized that although each person may have different foods that are more beneficial to health or prefer different foods depending on their physical condition or taste, if you want to increase your lifespan, you should eat as much as blueberries.
Rich in antioxidants that protect our body
Most fruits and vegetables are a source of polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidants that help fight free radicals. Active oxygen is bad for the body as ‘residual oxygen’. Most of the oxygen we inhale is used for health, but regarding 1-2% of it can be converted into active oxygen. A moderate amount of active oxygen is fine, but if it is produced in excess, it can become a deadly toxin to our body. When human cell walls are exposed to active oxygen, oxidation occurs, and when active oxygen attacks the cells in the body and creates inflammation, it can even cause cancer. Active oxygen is the main culprit that accelerates aging and is also related to various degenerative diseases such as cardiovascular disease, dementia, and arthritis.
Polyphenols are representative antioxidants that reduce inflammation and protect our bodies from the risk of various diseases. In particular, blueberries are very rich in anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are one of more than 6,000 flavonoid polyphenol plant nutrients and pigment components such as purple. There are also research results from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) that blueberries have the greatest antioxidant effect among over 40 fruits and vegetables.
Eating blueberries due to the anthocyanin effect is also helpful for eye health. Anthocyanin promotes the re-synthesis of rhodopsin to improve eyesight and has the effect of suppressing macular deterioration. Rhodopsin, which exists in the retina, transmits light stimuli to the brain and lets us know that an object is visible. If you use your eyes too much or get older, rhodopsin is slowly broken down and your eyesight deteriorates.
Lowers ‘bad’ cholesterol levels
Blueberries protect our bodies by lowering the level of LDL in the blood, known as bad cholesterol. Too much LDL cholesterol builds up in the arteries and is dangerous. According to a study published in the ≪Nutrition Journal≫, participants who ate blueberries lowered their LDL levels by 27% in 8 weeks. This is significant in that eating blueberries can significantly reduce the risk of stroke or cardiovascular disease.
Rich in dietary fiber and vitamin C
Berry fruits such as blueberries are considered good foods that can easily and a lot of fiber. Eating enough dietary fiber not only stabilizes blood sugar, but also reduces LDL cholesterol, lowering disease and extending life span. In addition, dietary fiber is slow to digest, making you feel full and feeling full for a long time, which can prevent obesity.
The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends consuming at least 25 to 30 grams of fiber per day. A 200ml cup of blueberries contains regarding 4g of dietary fiber. Dietary fiber keeps the intestines healthy by preventing sugar and cholesterol from being absorbed into the body and harmful substances from being produced. If you consume blueberries regularly, you can escape from constipation and even prevent colon cancer.
Fresh fruit in one bite
According to experts from the Cleveland Clinic in the United States, eating organic blueberries raw is the way to reap the most health benefits. Antioxidants can be damaged by heat, and eating blueberries in candied form is not good because they are high in sugar. You can get all of the live fiber, vitamins and minerals you need to eat raw blueberries. You don’t need to cut or peel them, just wash them well and put them in your mouth.
If you want to eat something different, you can make a smoothie or add it to yogurt. How regarding making ‘detox water’ with blueberries and lemons? Adding it to salads is also considered a simple and good way to have a healthy diet.
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