Marita Verón case: accused of alleged cover-up of two union leaders

2023-08-26 14:44:09

The investigation into the kidnapping and disappearance of marita veron in Tucuman took a turn in recent weeks that led to the indictment of two trade unionists for alleged cover-up. This is related to the supposed existence of a folder with photos of the lifeless young woman.

On Friday, August 25, the general secretaries of the Association of Hierarchical Water and Energy Personnel (Apjae), Norberto Manzano nationally and Carlos Rojas in Tucumán, they appeared before the Federal Justice to give a statement.

Carlos Garmendia, from the Marita Verón Foundation, indicated that this ramification of the cause is related to a alleged meeting that would have taken place at the beginning of the year in a hotel in Tucumánin which it is believed that Norberto Manzano may have been present.

He claimed to have that folder and to have received it from Rojasusing it once morest Julio Luna (already deceased, then head of Luz y Fuerza de Tucumán) for trade union issues,” he explained. He added: “He assured that with this documentation he would not have legal problems“.

The defendants submitted a written statement in which they deny the existence of the folder claims that Manzano made such statements.

Marita Verón case: they investigate the folder of a private clinic that would have lifeless photos of the disappeared young woman

federal prosecutor Augustine Chit supports the hypothesis that Marita Verón’s body might have been transferred from La Riojawhere he was a victim of exploitation in a trafficking network, to the headquarters of the Luz y Fuerza guild, where the morgue of the Luz Médica clinic, belonging to the union, operated. The complaint also indicates a possible link between Luna and the Ale clan, related to the kidnapping of the young woman.

Susana Trimarco, mother of Marita Verón, said that there is a folder with photos of her daughter

A few weeks ago, at a press conference, Susana Trimarco told regarding the existence of a folder containing images of the lifeless body of her daughter Marita Verón, who was kidnapped in April 2002 by a human trafficking network.

Press conference Susana Trimarco

As he clarified, that folder with different documentation and photos of lifeless Marita “I would have been going around different places“And that is why Justice is carrying out a series of raids to find her.

The contents of that folder would show that the young woman went through a clinic in Tucumán, which would also open the investigation into a line of serious cover-ups. “The photos were included in a folder that was used to extort the person in charge of the health center, a trade unionist“, he denounced.

21 years following the disappearance of Marita Verón, a mafia inmate between unions is revealed

In this context, Marita’s mother expressed that she wants “find the bones” of his daughter, said that the Luz y Fuerza union is involved in the case and remarked that he is no longer afraid of “not even the devil”.

“If she is dead, I want her bones so that my daughter and her family have justice. I want us to have a place to put a flower“, he added.


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