Pass’Sport: what is this sports back-to-school allowance and how can I benefit from it?

2023-08-26 16:39:38

Last year, 1.2 million people were able to benefit from this allowance. For the third year in a row, the government is renewing the “Pass’Sport”, this device allowing you to obtain aid of 50 euros for your sports license or for membership in a sports club.

“The Pass’Sport is back with an expanded offer! And that democratizes access to sport”, proclaimed in June Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, Minister of Sports, when the allowance had been extended to private sports halls and to the “5,000 approved Sport or Youth and Popular Education associations offering an activity athletic “.

Who can benefit ?

This allowance concerns young people born between September 16, 2005 and December 31, 2017 receiving the back-to-school allowance, as well as those born between June 1, 2003 and December 31, 2017 receiving the education allowance from the disabled child, as well as individuals born between 16 September 1992 and 31 December 2007 and benefiting from the allowance for disabled adults.

The Pass’Sport is also intended for students, aged 28 or over, who benefit (by October 15, 2023 at the latest) from a means-tested higher education grant, annual aid from the Crous or another regional scholarship for health and social training for the next academic year.

How to benefit from it?

To receive this financial support, no action is necessary. Eligible young people and families will receive an e-mail from the Ministry of Sports during the last week of August. This letter will contain a unique Pass’Sport code, to be presented when registering in the sports structure of their choice.

Eligible persons who have not received the code by e-mail on September 1st will be able to retrieve it by connecting to the Pass’Sport Portal, as indicated on the website of the Ministry of Sports and the Olympic and Paralympic Games. In addition, if you have already paid your subscription, it is possible to present the Pass’Sport until December 31 at the club in order to benefit from the reduction of 50 euros.

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Which sports clubs are eligible?

The system concerns sports associations and structures affiliated with sports federations approved by the Ministry of Sports as well as sports associations not affiliated with an approved federation, but with valid Sport or Youth Popular Education (JEP) approval.

Walking sports leisure structures (fitness room, climbing room, 5-a-side football club, ice rink, etc.) that have signed the charter of commitment to the scheme are also eligible. The list of clubs participating in the Pass’Sport scheme can be found on the government website

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