The Mysterious Disappearance of Xi Jinping: Avoiding Assassins and Fulfilling Ancient Prophecies?

2023-08-25 20:45:59

Xi Jinping’s absence from the BRICS Forum is to avoid assassins? Xi’s public appearances have decreased significantly, and he is afraid that the party’s prophecy will be fulfilled? Whiteheads become redheads, multiple prophecies warn of a coup in Zhongnanhai? (Courtesy of Crossroads)

[The Epoch Times, August 26, 2023]Hello everyone, I am Tang Hao, how are you doing today?

Today’s focus: Xi Jinping’s absence from the BRICS Forum to hide from assassins? Xi’s public appearances have decreased significantly, and he is afraid that the party’s prophecy will be fulfilled? Whiteheads become redheads, multiple prophecies warn of a coup in Zhongnanhai?

Xi Jinping’s whereregardings have been strange in the past year. Not only did he not go to the disaster-stricken area in Hebei Province for survey and inspection, he was absent from the military party building meeting of the Chinese Communist Party. He also suddenly missed the important BRICS Business Forum during his visit to South Africa, which sparked heated discussions in the international media. The rumors continued.

After all, why is Xi Jinping’s whereregardings so strange? Why did he drastically reduce his public appearances following the 20th? Is Xi Jinping really worried that the ancient prophecy of the death of the party will come true on him? In this episode, discuss with you.

Hiding from assassins?Xi Jinping’s whereregardings are strange

I believe many friends know that Xi Jinping visited South Africa a few days ago. This is his second overseas visit this year. But the strange thing is that he was supposed to attend the very important business forum of the BRICS summit and give a speech, but in the end he was suddenly absent, and instead, Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao came forward to read the speech on his behalf. This surprised the international media and asked, where did Xi Jinping go?

What’s even more bizarre is that Hua Chunying, who was accompanying her on the visit, posted a message on X, which was the previous Twitter, saying that Xi Jinping delivered a speech at the forum, but it was clearly read by Wang Wentao; It’s just a big picture, there is no picture of Xi Jinping speaking, but the CCP officials have always refused to answer why Xi Jinping was absent. However, at the leaders’ dinner in the evening, Xi Jinping quietly appeared once more.

Well, Chairman Xi flew all the way to South Africa, why did he disappear on a major occasion? Is he going to show the “Pooh Invisibility Technique” that he has practiced for many years to the elites from all over the world? Think regarding it, if you were Xi Jinping, at this moment when you were surrounded and sanctioned by Western countries, wouldn’t you rush to South Africa just to win over countries around the world to support you and fight once morest the European Union with you? If you suddenly become invisible and disappear, the countries of the world will see that you have problems and make a fool of yourself, so can they still have confidence in you?

Therefore, there should be only a few possibilities for Xi Jinping’s sudden absence from the event where he was supposed to deliver a speech: The first possibility is that Xi Jinping suddenly became seriously ill and was unable to attend. The second possibility is that there is an emergency in China, and Xi Jinping must deal with it urgently.

However, Xi Jinping attended the dinner once more in the evening and attended other activities as normal the next day, so it should not be due to health problems. Moreover, whether it is a health problem or a domestic problem, Xi Jinping should not be absent. Why? Because he is the leading actor of this summit, as long as he is absent, the whole world will know that there is something wrong with him, or that there is a problem within the CCP, and there will be rumors and discussions, which is not conducive to his international propaganda campaign. right?

Therefore, when Xi Jinping was absent from the BRICS Forum, there should be only one possibility that is more reliable, and that is that there is a security problem. It is very likely that Xi Jinping had obtained information in advance that in this business forum with relatively complicated personnel access, someone might try to harm him, that is, “there are assassins.”

But even if there are assassins, his Zhongnanhai bodyguards can’t check so many guests one by one, and it’s not appropriate to shout “there are assassins” loudly, otherwise the whole world will know that someone is going to assassinate him, which will damage Chairman Xi’s “world” Beacon” and “Cute Pooh”. Therefore, the lesser of two evils, the best way for Chairman Xi to protect himself is to be absent and invisible.

Of course, this is just our speculation and analysis, and it is difficult to verify. After all, the CCP never discloses the family scandal of the assassination of the leader. However, since the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China last year, the number of Xi Jinping’s public appearances has indeed decreased significantly, which is probably related to security issues.

Xi’s public appearances significantly reduced

According to statistics, Xi Jinping will visit five times in 2022, but in the second half of this year, he only visited twice, one to Russia, and one to the current BRICS Forum in South Africa.

Moreover, a major flood broke out in Hebei at the end of July. Obviously, Hebei is just outside Beijing, at the foot of the emperor, and the disaster is so serious. But Xi Jinping said that he would not investigate the disaster, and he didn’t care if he was scolded at home and abroad.

Also, on July 21, the CCP military held a party-building meeting of the whole army. According to the usual practice, Chairman Xi Jinping of the Military Commission would attend such an important meeting in person, but he was also absent. “Important Instructions”. We also talked regarding this matter at the time, and we suspected that Xi Jinping might not attend these important meetings in order to avoid assassins. After all, he has recently been purging the Rocket Army and fighting once morest the military internally. If the military internally wants to oppose him and plot once morest him, it is reasonable and reasonable.

In addition, the number of meetings chaired by Xi Jinping himself has decreased significantly. There is a comparative data. In 2018, before the outbreak of the epidemic, Xi Jinping personally presided over 59 meetings before the Beidaihe meeting, but in the same period this year, he presided over only 38 meetings, a full 21 times less.

To put it simply, following the 20th National Congress, the number of Xi Jinping’s public appearances has indeed decreased significantly. In addition, his absence from the BRICS Forum this time makes people wonder whether Xi Jinping has angered everyone in the party because of the political struggle at the 20th National Congress. Factions and the military, so now you are in the anxiety and anxiety of being assassinated all the time?

We got news from special authoritative channels that although Xi Jinping has monopolized power, he is actually very worried regarding his life, especially he is very worried that several ancient Chinese prophecies in the past will happen to him. Therefore, Xi Jinping pays great attention to personal safety now. Whenever there is trouble, he will hide to avoid the limelight and assassination.

I think this news is very credible. After all, Xi Jinping has been talking regarding “traditional Chinese culture” since he took office, which shows that he actually has a little understanding of ancient culture, so he should have more or less contact with those famous prophecies. So, what prophecies are related to Xi Jinping’s fate? Let’s talk regarding two famous prophecies: Tuibeitu and Tiebantu.

Is Xi afraid of the fulfillment of the party’s prophecy?

Okay, let’s talk regarding the back view. Everyone knows that the Tuibei map is a prophecy written by Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang, the masters of astrology during the Tang Taizong period, under the order of Taizong, to warn future generations and follow the sky.

Push back the prophecy

The prophecy of Tuibeitu is recognized as very accurate, so we won’t say much regarding it. Let’s look at it directly, the 53rd image in the push back picture.

You can see three people in the picture, and the prophecy at the bottom reads, “The Son of Heaven in Guanzhong, the corporal of the virtuous, the saviour, the half-old and the son.” This image actually predicts that Xi Jinping will become the leader of China. Xi Jinping was born in Shaanxi, which is the ancient Guanzhong area, and he was indeed relatively approachable in the past, and he was filial to his mother. “Banlaoyouzi” is an anagram, which means ” Filial piety” means.

Therefore, the “Ode” of this image reads “A filial son came from the west, holding the keystone in his hand, and the world is safe, and the banners and banners are beautiful in the domain, and the predecessors are not as good as the future talents.” The first sentence is indeed in line with the characteristics of Xi Jinping. A filial son comes from the West, but if he ascends to power, will he be able to “hold the keystone for the world’s peace”? It seems not, but now the world is in chaos, and China has become troubled both internally and externally, right?

Then why is this happening? Is it because the push back map is not allowed? No, this has to go back to the interpretation of the phrase “suspend life in accordance with the sky”. Shutting down in accordance with the will of heaven is to foretell that Xi Jinping will follow the will of heaven and whose life will he suspend? Of course the Communist Party. But the point is here, how can we kill the Communist Party? The first possibility is that Xi Jinping took the initiative to order the peaceful dissolution of the Communist Party. This is the most ideal way, but obviously Xi Jinping did not take this peaceful path.

Therefore, the push back picture also indicates the second possibility, that is, following Xi Jinping took power, he tied himself to the CCP, desperately defending the party, desperately speeding up, causing chaos in the world, boiling public grievances, and finally allowing himself to be dismissed together with the CCP Killed. It now appears that Xi Jinping is following this tragic path. In other words, Xi will be killed along with the Communist Party.

Think I’m alarmist? Look at the last sentence of the song, “The talents of the past are not as good as the talents of the future.” This sentence also indicates two meanings. The first is that if Xi Jinping takes the initiative to disintegrate the Communist Party, his historical status and glory will far exceed those of the previous leaders of the Communist Party of China. “.

However, if he did not do this, but took the current line of protecting the party, he would be disintegrated together with the Communist Party, and then Xi would become that “predecessor”, and there will be more talented “futures” in the future. If someone comes out to replace him, that is to say, the future true man will appear, then of course Xi will become a historical sinner.

Image 46 of Tuibei

Also, let’s look at the 46th image of Tuibei, let’s look at what the “Ode” says, “There was a soldier with a bow, and he only said that I was a pulsatilla. There was a golden sword in the east door, and the warrior entered the imperial palace through the back door.” Okay, the next two The sentence is easy to understand. Obviously, there are assassins and warriors who entered the palace, launched a mutiny, and wanted to take down the fatuous tyrant. Therefore, the “prophecy” said that “ten thousand people will not die, and one person will not escape”, which also foretells that this palace coup will make the life of the faint king lose his life.

The key is “There was a soldier who wore a bow and said only that I was a Pulsatilla”. How to interpret these two sentences? Many people explained that it was the person who was going to launch the coup, so he was a military leader with a name similar to “gong”, so some people said that the soldier who launched the coup should be surnamed Zhang or Chen.

When we open the list of leaders of the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China, we will find that there is indeed no one with the surname Chen, but there are two people with the surname Zhang, the Vice Chairman of the Military Commission Zhang Youxia and the Military Commissioner Zhang Shengmin. But let’s not forget that simplified characters are used in China now, so look at He Weidong, another vice chairman of the Military Commission. Does his character “Wei” look like a bow? And He Weidong is the leading general responsible for the future military invasion of Taiwan, so are Zhang Youxia and He Weidong the ones who will launch a military coup in the future? we do not know.

However, I think there is another interpretation. As you all know, there is a characteristic of Tuibeitu, that is, one text has multiple meanings, that is, the same text contains different traces of historical scripts, that is, Li Chunfeng and the others are very powerful, and there are several possibilities for development following seeing through history at a glance , but they can be expressed in the same set of words, covering such a variety of plot lines.

So let’s think regarding it, Xi Jinping’s Xi in simplified Chinese characters, doesn’t it also look like a bow? The earliest Xi Jinping stepped into the officialdom was as the secretary of former Defense Minister Geng Biao, and he wore a military uniform. Now he is also the chairman of the CCP Military Commission. So, “There was a soldier with a bow, and he only said that I was a pulsatilla”, might it also be a metaphor for who is the faint king who is regarding to be coup d’état? Pulsatilla, there is white under the calligraphy, right? And in other prophecies, many “white” characters refer to Xi Jinping.

And let’s look at Xi Jinping, what is the biggest difference between him and the previous CCP leaders? White hair. Other former party leaders have deliberately dyed their hair to look youthful and vibrant. Only Xi Jinping broke these unspoken rules and publicly displayed his white hair, that is, Pulsatilla, which also happens to echo his name’s Chinese character “白鹅”, right? White feathers correspond to white hair.

Let me mention here by the way that a famous prophecy also appeared in Hong Kong in 1933, called “Zhuge Wuhou’s Essay”, in which there is a passage saying, “The palace gate draws the sword to eliminate the treacherous, and the white-headed man becomes a red-headed man.” Look carefully, did it also predict a palace coup? Who is that white head? Does the white-headed man become red-headed, does it mean that the pulsatilla was beheaded? Does this point echo the picture of pushing back?

Whiteheads become redheads

Let’s look at another prophecy iron plate map. The iron plate map is a set of strange books that are secretly passed down among the people. Every picture in the book is a prophecy, but it was later confiscated by the CCP authorities, and its whereregardings are unknown. However, according to the recollection of an official who had read the book at the time, the last picture of the book attracted the most attention because it was said to predict the demise of the Communist Party.

The picture is very simple, there is a group of birds flying in the valley, four black birds flew over, only the fifth bird, and it was a white bird, was killed halfway up the mountain, dripping with blood. Have you noticed? Birds have feathers, and white birds are white feathers. Isn’t that just the word “Xi”? Does Bai Yu also echo the pulsatilla in the back picture?

Does the white bird squirt blood when it crashes to death, does it just echo with the “Palace gate draws the sword to eliminate traitors, and the white head turns into a red-headed man” in “Zhuge Wuhou’s Essay”?

And everyone knows that Xi Jinping is called the fifth-generation leader of the CCP, followed by Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, and Hu Jintao. Do the four black birds on the iron plate echo the previous four party leaders? And the fifth bird, that is, the white bird that crashed and died on the mountain, does it just echo Xi Jinping’s fifth-generation leader?

Let me further interpret it, the white bird crashed and died on the mountain, what mountain? country.

Xi Jinping always said that “the country is the people.” If the white bird crashes into the country, doesn’t that mean that Xi Jinping and the Communist Party will die together in public opinion or public grievances? Can Chairman Xi not feel nervous?

There is one more thing. In the past, when the members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China made their debut for the first time, there would be a picture of the country on the stage background, which means that the CCP controls the country of China.

But last year’s 20th National Congress, when the Seven Standing Committee members made their appearances, the background map of the mountains and rivers disappeared, replaced by a bright red. Does this indicate that the CCP will lose its country and leave only a bloody disaster? Does this just echo the iron plate map, the white bird crashed to death in the mountains and rivers, leaving a piece of blood behind? Seeing this, if you were Xi Jinping, wouldn’t your scalp go numb, your back feel cold, and your jaw drop to the ground?

Therefore, it is not difficult for us to understand why Xi Jinping has recently significantly reduced his public appearances, because he knows these prophecies, and he fears that they will all happen to him: the warriors stage a coup, the successor replaces the predecessor, and the white bird strikes Died in Jiangshan, the white head became a red head.

Will the prophecy of a palace coup come true?

Will the predictions of these palace coups really happen? We don’t know, but judging from the current situation in China and the international situation, it is indeed very possible. After all, since Xi Jinping took office, he has been subjected to constant assassinations, not only by the Jiang faction or other factions, but now he is purging the military. Of course, the military will not sit still.

Especially at the 20th National Congress last year, Xi Jinping took Hu Jintao away from the venue in front of Chinese and foreign journalists. Who is Hu Jintao? It is the benefactor who sent Xi Jinping to power and handed over all the power of the party, government and military to him. But if he dared to humiliate his benefactor in such a merciless manner, then other Jiang factions or other factions, or the military, who have a deeper hatred for Xi Jinping, will of course be in danger. As long as Xi is in power, their heads will tremble for a day.

So, in the end, we would like to advise Chairman Xi once more, although he hardly listens to it. But if he is really afraid that the ancient prophecy will be fulfilled on him, and that the heinous crimes committed by the Communist Party in the past will be retribution on him, the last party leader, then the best way is to “succumb to the fate”, according to the push back picture Yes, take the initiative to take the life of the Communist Party, so that you have the opportunity to become a hero to end the Communist Party.

Otherwise, if you continue to protect the party and go all the way in the dark, you will really become a bear buried with the Communist Party in the end. Not only will you lose the country, but it is also very likely that the white bird will really be killed in the country, and the white head will become red. people.

Ok, that’s all for today. Thanks for watching and we’ll see you next time.


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Tang Hao

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