They notify municipal debtors in another private neighborhood of Neuquén

2023-08-25 21:51:32

The municipality of Neuquén capital continues to pursue debtors in private neighborhoods of the city. A series of notifications had been known in the Rincon Country Clubwhere 40% of the residents have debts in excess of 25 million pesos. Now another exclusive sector is added: The Bocahue neighborhood.

Specifically, the management of Mariano Gaido, notified 47 people for debts with remuneration rates in the sector near the Neuquén river.

As detailed, each record is individualized with the name and surname of the taxpayer at fault, where the functional unit is also specified. In the batch of notifications there are periods of debts that go from 2018 to the current year.

The percentage of indebted residents reaches the same levels as in a nearby neighborhood Rincón Club de Campo, with 40% and as statedthe notification made to the person prevents the debt from expiring or prescribing.

“It is a way of notifying the neighbor that he has to pay”they counted from the municipal government and advanced that once the notice was made, the person has an extension until September 15 to cancel.

The person who is not up to date, can pay from a QR code and a barcode that allows you to cancel the debt through a cell phone and they can also choose to adhere to a plan of up to 36 quotaace. For this last option, interested parties can go to the offices of the Undersecretary of Public Revenue at 167 Rivadavia Street in the city of Neuquén.

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