Flu Epidemic Ends and Leptospirosis Surveillance Declared Over: Update from Health Agency

2023-08-25 12:20:47

The health agency declares that the seasonal flu epidemic has ended in our department since August 20. The end of the austral winter also marks the end of leptospirosis surveillance, even if the bacterium remains present on the island all year round. The number of visits to the emergency room for cases of bronchiolitis in children is also decreasing.

Written by The editorial staff – on Friday August 25, 2023 at 4:19 p.m.

In the latest weekly report from Santé Publique France for the week of August 14 to 20, the health agency declares the end of the flu epidemic on our island. The drop in the number of visits to the emergency room makes it possible to lift surveillance even if breathing difficulties are slightly more represented in the activity of city doctors (4 to 4.5% of activity compared to the previous week).

A marked drop in cases of bronchiolitis in children under 2 years of age has also been noted. Ditto for gastroenteritis in children under 5 years old.

End of seasonal leptospirosis surveillance

Finally, the end of the austral winter also means the end of the seasonal epidemic. However, “leptospirosis is endemo-epidemic on the island and new cases occur throughout the year but in lesser numbers (less than 5 weekly cases declared)”, emphasizes Public Health France.

It should also be noted that the number of hospitalizations for covid following a visit to the emergency room is stable. A single weekly case has been recorded in hospitals on the island for several weeks.

#flu #epidemic #Reunion



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