Top 8 Foods to Avoid Before Bed for Better Sleep

2023-08-24 12:08:02

03:03 PM Thursday, August 24, 2023

I wrote – Nada Najid

Some foods help boost melatonin levels to help you sleep, while others may keep you awake with anxiety from disturbing sleep disturbances. So, it’s best to try to give your body some time to digest before going to sleep at night, and avoid eating too late in the day.

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In the following lines, “The Consulto” reviews a list of the most prominent foods that are recommended to be avoided at night before bedtime, according to what was published by the “Eating well” website.

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Foods to avoid eating before bed

1- Tomatoes

For those with acid reflux issues, tomatoes and other acidic foods can cause pain and discomfort in the esophagus when lying down, so it is advised to eat them early in the day and be sure to eat them with other non-acidic foods that balance the reaction in the stomach.

2- Burger with cheese

It can be enjoyed from time to time, but eating it late at night is not the best time to enjoy it, because excessive amounts of saturated fat can slow stomach emptying, leaving food in the stomach, and blood flow is directed to it during sleep, and this can cause In the body’s hormones shift to digestion and absorption instead of sleep.

Also read: Goodbye to insomnia – foods and drinks that help you sleep

3- Cakes

This food is fried and rich in sugar, which may cause digestive discomfort and blood sugar reactions in some people, and doctors believe that the trend to natural sources such as fruit or slightly sweetened herbal tea without caffeine or whole grain bread with peanut butter and honey, is the best way To satisfy cravings for sweets during the night.

4- Chocolate

Although chocolate is many people’s favorite way to snack at night, it contains caffeine, and usually many people choose dark chocolate because it contains less sugar and higher in antioxidants, but it also contains a higher percentage of Caffeine, so those sensitive to it may have trouble sleeping if they choose to take it at this time.

5- Dried fruits

Dried fruits are high in fiber and natural sugar, both of which can cause an overactive digestive system.

Although fiber has many amazing health benefits, when you eat dried fruit late at night, you may end up eating too much fiber too soon, which can lead to gas and bloating that may keep you up.

6- Spicy foods

Be moderate when approaching bedtime because spicy foods, such as chili peppers and certain sauces and seasonings, can be more acidic and lead to digestive discomfort, plus if you suffer from acid reflux, it can act as a trigger, making it difficult to fall asleep hard. Spicy foods may also aggravate IBS symptoms, so if you have a sensitive stomach, it’s best to enjoy spicy foods in moderation during the day and avoid them at night.

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7- Cereals rich in added sugar

Eating some complex carbohydrates, such as oatmeal, before bed can be good for sleep, but any cereal, muffin or granola with a lot of added sugar will be a stimulant, making it more difficult to fall asleep.

Doctors recommend avoiding those high-sugar cereals and instead looking for ones with less sugar and some fiber to allow them to digest more steadily and maintain blood sugar levels, which may help you get a more restful night’s sleep. .

8- Potato chips

A study published in Frontiers in Psychology proves that high-fat foods, such as potato chips, trigger nightmares, so not only will you have trouble falling asleep quickly, but you may also wake up in the middle of the night from a not-so-pleasant dream.

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