2022-10-12 22:00:00
Following Hurricane Irma in September 2017, the Senate Overseas Delegation devoted two reports in 2018 (1) et 2019 (2) to major natural hazards in the overseas territories and formulated 100 recommendations. Five years following Irma and following the passage of the storm Fiona on Guadeloupe, she carried out a evaluation of their implementation.
After interviewing the State services on July 7, the delegation met on October 13 on the occasion of the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction. Examination of the monitoring table sent by the General Directorate for Overseas Territories (DGOM) shows that more than 80% of the recommendations of the rapporteurs have been taken into account or are in progress: Victory Jasmine (Socialist Ecologist and Republican – Guadeloupe) and Mathieu Darnaud (Les Républicains – Ardèche) on the prevention aspect, Abdullah Hassani (Rally of Democrats, Progressives and Independents – Mayotte) and Jean-Francois Rapin (Les Républicains – Pas-de-Calais) on the resilience aspect, under the coordination of the former senator Guillaume Arnell (European Democratic and Social Rally – Saint-Martin).
Important advances have been highlighted in many areas: an interministerial plan on sargassum ; the generalization of risk prevention plans natural (PPRN); the expanded use of Fund “Barnier” ; risk information and trainingin particular in schools and administrations; the deployment of the “overseas sirens” plan and of new meteorological surveillance and warning means ; or even the creation of a state of exceptional natural disaster by the 3DS law.
President Stephane Artano (European Democratic and Social Rally – Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon) hoped that efforts would be continued over time to entrench “the culture of risk” in these particularly exposed areas.
Pour Victory Jasminelocal authorities must be enabled to take better ownership of the instruments put in place, in particular the business continuity plans, continue the construction of the adaptation of construction standards and guarantee a insurance offer affordable for everyone. Victims must also benefit from a regional organization for the care of psychological trauma.
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