Low GI Fruits for Diabetics: A List of Low Sugar Fruits to Control Blood Sugar Levels

2023-08-24 10:02:47

come shinelow sugar fruit and isLow IG fruit or have a low glycemic index that people love health want to control body weight control blood sugar levels or being sickdiabetescan eat

Fruits that people with diabetes can eat It is mostly recommended to eat fruits with a low glycemic index. Also known as low GI fruits, which can be found near the body because there are both Thai and foreign fruits. But many people may not know how much What kinds of fruits are low in sugar with a low glycemic index? Therefore, jar dot com would like to choose to present some of them here. If you are ready, then move on to check the list of low GI fruits.

Oops! But if anyone still doesn’t understand the wordglycemic index or GI value, we also have an explanation for that.

What is the glycemic index or GI index?

The GI value or the full name that Glycemix Index is the glycemic index. That tells the amount of sugar in the blood that increases after eating that kind of food, which is calculated by comparing the amount of glucose in the same number of carbohydrates.

If the GI is high, the body will absorb glucose into the bloodstream faster. Makes it easy to get hungry and often hungry, for example, when we eat sweets, we will feel refreshed quickly. But after a while If the GI is low, the body will absorb glucose into the bloodstream more slowly. therefore not feeling hungry easily

However, the amount of sugar in food And the glycemic index is a different part. because although it is a different kind of food that is sweet or the same amount of carbohydrates And giving a small amount of sugar, but the GI may be high, so be careful, including food that has been processed a lot, causing the GI to increase as well

Glycemic Index (GI) High-Low How to see?

The criteria for measuring the GI value is defined as a number from 0-100, divided into 3 levels as follows.

Low glycemic index (GI) = less than 55 (suitable for those who control sugar)

Moderate glycemic index (GI) = 56-69

High glycemic index (GI) = 70 or more (this is the level that diabetics should avoid because it is absorbed into the blood stream quickly)

The glycemic index (GI) may not be enough.
But should also look at the glycemic index (GL).
how much is good

The GI measures how quickly the body absorbs sugar from the food you eat, while the GL (Glycemic Load) measures how much sugar in food raises your blood sugar levels. It is often recommended for diabetic patients to use. because it is necessary to seriously control blood sugar levels

Also, if looking only at the GI value, you may miss out on eating inappropriate food. For example, 1 ladle of brown rice and 1 bar of chocolate have the same GI value, but the GL value is different and there are completely different nutrients. Or fruits like dried peaches, prunes, which have low GI but high GL, should not be eaten like this.

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Therefore, if those who want to control blood sugar want to eat less sugar fruits. It is best to choose fruits with low GI and low GL values.

Low GI fruit checklist

What kinds of low-sugar fruits have a GI value of less than 55? Today we would like to present some of the fruits that are popular in Thailand, easy to find and can be eaten interchangeably throughout the year as follows. It is recommended to eat fresh fruit. to receive the full nutritional value



In addition to having antioxidants from the red peel, the apple is also a low GI fruit that does not cause blood sugar levels to spike rapidly. High fiber is good for constipation.

white dragon fruit

The wow factor of the dragon fruit is not only that it is a low GI fruit, but it also comes with some great benefits like helping you lose weight. and small black pigments in the flesh of the dragon fruit There will also be fatty acids that can help eliminate cholesterol or bad fat from the body as well. However, you should choose to eat white flesh dragon fruit. Because the pink or purple dragon fruit has a higher GI value.

Dragon fruit 10 amazing benefits Give it a listen and you must hurry and try.



rose apple




A bright red fruit with a sweet and sour taste like strawberries is also a fruit with a low glycemic index. and also rich in many nutrients that are beneficial to the body Whether it’s vitamin C An anthocyanin-type antioxidant found only in red and purple fruits and vegetables. Has anti-inflammatory properties and reduces the risk of heart disease

12 Benefits of Strawberries The fruits are bright red.

However, people looking for low GI fruits because they want to lose weight. or want to control blood sugar levels We would like to advise you not to enjoy it as it is considered a low GI fruit, butshouldAlternate between the above fruits appropriately. so that the body receives a variety of nutrients along with dieting and exercise too

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