Unlock the Power of Magnesium: Everything You Need to Know about This Essential Micronutrient

2023-08-24 05:20:51

Everything you need to know regarding this essential micronutrient.

Magnesium is one of the five most abundant minerals in our body along with potassium, calcium, sodium and phosphorus. Magnesium is essential for over 300 biochemical reactions in the body, including those that provide energy to cells and those associated with protein synthesis.

In fact, magnesium is present in every cell of the body.

The body of an adult contains regarding 25 grams of magnesium, 50-60% of this amount accumulates in the bones of the skeleton, and the rest is in the muscles, soft tissues and bodily fluids.

That is, we cannot exist without magnesium. This trace element is vital for normal muscle contraction, for the functioning of the nervous, digestive, cardiovascular and immune systems, and for regulating blood pressure.

Here are some of the most important functions of magnesium in the body:

1. Stress resistance

Magnesium, thanks to its key role in the energy and electrical exchange between nerve cells, helps the body to cope with stress effectively. This trace element inhibits the processes of nervous and motor excitation, helps to calm down, reduces the level of stress hormones in the blood.

2. Bone health

Magnesium is just as important for bones as calcium. How demonstrated one study found that normal levels of magnesium in the body increase bone density, reduce the risk of fractures and osteoporosis in women following menopause. In addition, magnesium helps regulate calcium and vitamin D levels in the body, both of which are important for bone health.


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3. Protection from diabetes

How show Research has shown that high levels of magnesium in the body are associated with a reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This may be due to the fact that magnesium plays an important role in insulin metabolism and the process of controlling blood glucose concentration.

4. Health of the heart and blood vessels

The body needs magnesium to maintain normal muscle function, including the heart muscle and myocardium. Yes, review published in 2018, showed that magnesium deficiency increases the risk of cardiovascular problems, it is often detected in patients with heart failure and worsens their prognosis for recovery.

Another study showedthat increasing magnesium levels reduces the risk of stroke.

5. Migraine protection

Taking magnesium supplements can help prevent or relieve migraine attacks. Experts notice that in patients with migraine, the concentration of this microelement in the blood and tissues of the body is reduced, including, possibly, in brain tissues. For example, a 2017 study showedthat taking 600 milligrams of magnesium citrate helps as a means of migraine prevention.

6. Protection from PMS

Some studies show that magnesium supplementation can help reduce symptoms of premenstrual syndrome—mood swings, bloating, and breast tenderness.

7. Reducing the risk of anxiety and depression

Low levels of magnesium in the body may also play a role in the development of mood disorders such as depression and anxiety. This is due to the fact that magnesium suppresses the excessive activity of the glands that produce stress hormones. When the level of this micronutrient is too low, stress hormones become too high.

12 products with a calming effect – in our gallery:

Dark chocolate. It has a double action: firstly, it contributes to the normalization of the nervous system at the chemical level, and secondly, it brings pleasure. Studies have shown that it is dark or bitter chocolate (which is considered to be one that contains more than 55% cocoa) that reduces the level of cortisol, the stress hormone.

Source: Unsplash.com/CC0

Whole wheat bread. This product works differently: it does not reduce the level of cortisol, but it increases the concentration of serotonin in the blood. It promotes concentration and perseverance.

Source: Unsplash.com/CC0

Avocado. One of the best superfoods, that is, products that have a maximum of useful substances with a minimum of potential harm. In other words, when you include avocados in your diet, you will get a lot of valuable substances (for example, omega-3), and if you “overdose” this product, you will not suffer. And relieve stress.

Source: Unsplash.com/CC0

Herb tea. Yes, there is scientific evidence for the calming benefits of herbal tea. But, as a rule, studies show that this effect is not associated with the choice of herb or brewing method – but with the context: a warm mug, a pleasant smell, a leisurely drink are associated with comfort and peace. Something like candles or beautiful lamps.

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Red fish. Hundreds of studies have proven that regular consumption of salmon, salmon or chum salmon contributes to the normalization of blood pressure and stress leveling. The Mediterranean and Japanese diets, rich in these types of fish, have given the world so many centenarians for a reason.

Source: Unsplash.com/CC0

Warm milk. If you have everything in order with the digestibility of lactose (according to various sources, in Russia from 6 to 15% of the population suffers from lactose intolerance), then a glass of warm milk will help you calm down and sleep better.

Source: Unsplash.com/CC0

Nuts. Any nuts are rich in B vitamins and magnesium – and these ingredients help to overcome excess cortisol in the blood. True, keep in mind that it is worth leaning on fresh nuts, and not on fried or salted ones.

Source: Unsplash.com/CC0

Oranges and lemons. According to some studies, vitamin C affects the level of stress: a loading dose can level the stressful state. In addition, the combination of vitamins C and E is often used in the treatment of anxiety disorders.

Source: Unsplash.com/CC0

Strawberry. You may not have thought regarding it, but strawberries are high in the same vitamin C and are also good for stress relief. Plus, just like dark chocolate or herbal tea, strawberries are a joy in their own right.

Source: Unsplash.com/CC0

Kefir. Probiotics have been proven to help manage stress, anxiety, and low moods. It may be useless to drink depression with kefir or fermented baked milk, but they will really help you from small shocks.

Source: Unsplash.com/CC0

Broccoli. A frequenter of any lists of useful products – along with avocados. Yes, broccoli can help with stress too.

Source: Unsplash.com/CC0

Legumes. If your diet does not include peas, chickpeas or beans, be sure to correct this error (provided that there are no contraindications). This is another superfood with which you can take out the most difficult situations.

Source: Unsplash.com/CC0

How much magnesium is needed for the normal functioning of the body?

The recommended daily doses of magnesium are 80 milligrams for children under three years of age, 130 milligrams for children under eight years of age, 240 milligrams for children under 13 years of age, 410 milligrams for adolescents from 14 to 18 years of age, and 360 milligrams for girls. , for young men under the age of 30 – 400 milligrams, and for young women of the same age – 310 milligrams, for men over 30 – 420 milligrams, and for women over 30 – 320 milligrams.

During pregnancy, magnesium intake should be increased by 40 milligrams per day.

Sources of magnesium

This micronutrient is abundant in nuts, seeds, green leafy vegetables, legumes, and whole grains.

The best sources of magnesium are:

roasted almonds, cooked spinach, roasted cashews and peanuts, soy milk, whole grain bread and wheat bran, pumpkin seeds, avocados, jacket baked potatoes, brown rice, bananas, canned beans, oatmeal.

Magnesium deficiency symptoms

A lack of magnesium in the body can also happen with a balanced diet, if this trace element is poorly absorbed and absorbed in you. This can happen if you drink a lot of alcohol, suffer from certain digestive conditions such as celiac disease, and take certain medications such as antibiotics and proton pump inhibitors for heartburn and reflux.

Magnesium deficiency symptoms may include:

loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, feeling of weakness, loss of strength.

If the magnesium level is very low, cramps and a feeling of numbness in the muscles, heart rhythm disturbances, constipation, and insomnia may appear.

Risk of magnesium overdose

Getting too much magnesium from food is a very unlikely scenario because the body successfully rids itself of excess magnesium by excreting it in the urine.

However, if you are taking magnesium supplements, there is a risk of overdose.

In this case, digestive problems appear, such as diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal cramps.


Magnesium deficiency was especially dangerous for cancer patients

Very high doses of magnesium can lead to very serious consequences – kidney problems, dangerous low blood pressure, vomiting, depression, loss of control over the central nervous system, cardiac arrest and death.

It is also worth bearing in mind that if you have kidney failure, you need to be careful when taking magnesium supplements.

Magnesium baths

Baths with Epsom (or Epsom) salt, that is, with magnesium sulfate, are a very popular folk remedy in order to relax, relieve stress, relieve muscle pain, and improve sleep. True, there is no scientific evidence for the effectiveness of magnesium baths.

Recently, there have also been suggestions that magnesium baths and in general the transdermal (percutaneous) use of magnesium with the help of various creams and sprays can not only replace supplementation, but even become a more effective method of combating the lack of this trace element. And all because through the skin, magnesium is absorbed directly into the tissues, bypassing the digestive tract.

Authors of an extensive review of scientific data on this topic, published in 2017 in the magazine Nutrientsquestioned the ability of magnesium to so deeply absorb into the skin to make up for the deficiency better than supplements, and still recommend taking this trace element in capsules if necessary.

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