Higher School Proposal: Transforming Medical Education for the Future of University Education

2023-08-24 05:34:00

Without a direct vote but practically unanimously, the Superior Council of the National University of Salta (UNSa) decided yesterday, in an extraordinary session, to include in the debate of the university assembly that starts today, the request of the Medicine career to be incorporate the figure of Higher School in the statute of the house of higher studies. This proposal, which seeks to reconfigure the academic structure in the field of Health, generated an intense debate in the educational community and promises to mark an important step towards the future of university education.

Alejandra Falú, director of the UNSa medicine course, described as “an enormous gain” the fact that today, or during the university assembly, the proposal is discussed. She thanked the counselors, deans, the rector Daniel Hoyos and the medical group that supported the students in this process of debate and discussion.

He highlighted the urgent need for medical professionals and other health areas, and regarding the difference between being a “Higher School” instead of a traditional career, Falú explained that this figure would grant greater autonomy to the academic unit, allowing it to manage its financing and improve its administrative functions. He also mentioned that new or highly complex careers, such as Medicine, might have room for growth without hindering other existing disciplines.

The doctor explained that the complexity and the growing demand for Medicine put pressure on the structure of the Faculty of Health Sciences. The figure of Escuela Superior might alleviate this pressure by allowing self-management of the career and providing financing opportunities for infrastructure and teaching resources. Alejandra Falú stressed that the initiative would not only benefit Medicine, but also Nursing and Nutrition, which are equally important to society. The idea is to ease the burden of Health Sciences and provide answers to the demands of graduates.

Regarding the initial resistance to this new figure, he said that it dissipated following a debate in which solid foundations were provided, mainly by the medical area. Regarding the expectations of the treatment, he emphasized that the approval of the Higher School figure in the university statute would allow it to aspire to be a Higher School of Medicine in the future and would guarantee benefits for the career and the Faculty of Health Sciences in its set.

The university assembly, made up of 120 members, will be the stage where the debate and the possible approval of this initiative will take place. The director of the Medicine career specified that in total the career, from first to fifth year, has more than 600 students. “We already have the first 20 graduates, but the province needs more doctors,” she warned, adding: “In other words, we have to guarantee the infrastructure and the teaching team that can contain more students to be able to graduate more doctors.”

Before the session

Medicine teachers circulated a request for accompaniment to the third extraordinary session. “They ruled for 12 years and did not solve a single problem, including the health problem,” warned the rector Daniel Hoyos during the session and asked not to fall “in Chicanas.”

Those who propose that Medicine be hierarchical assure that it is the development of the career that “in the whole country has a Faculty.” The career depended for six years on the National University of Tucumán, and for two years it has belonged to UNSa and is part of the Faculty of Health Sciences, where there are also Nursing and Nutrition careers. Since Medicine teachers are not tenured, they cannot apply for deans.

“It should be clarified that the rest of the academic units are not put at risk, including the Faculty of Health, which with great care housed us for 8 years,” warns the statement circulated by the teachers.

It is not the first attempt for Medicine to rise in rank, last year, following taking office, the rector Hoyos called a university assembly following more than 20 years and proposed that Medicine be a faculty. The initiative obtained the support of the students, however, deans that make up the Superior Council warned regarding the budget and “the lack of resources” and did not endorse the proposal.

The professor of the chair of Neurology, doctor Juan Zorrilla, one of the 82 professors of the degree, had commented before yesterday’s session that “the Coneau (National Commission for University Evaluation and Accreditation) says that for a chair of Medicine in In the fourth year, there must be 10 students, we started with 12 and now there are commissions of up to 25. We no longer go into hospitals,” said the teacher regarding one of the most demanded careers at UNSa, in order to graph the situation and for What do they need to become independent?

“The University of Tucumán in Neurology has 14 professors, the UNSa two,” he added. According to Zorrilla, in addition to the number of students per teacher, there are other requirements that the Coneau demands to project careers such as the titularization of teachers and other steps that “would give it greater stability.”

The teacher added regarding the need for more professionals: “In Salta the rate of doctors per inhabitant is one of the lowest in the country. In addition, many decide to leave the country, and go to Spain, for example, where they accredit you with the title.”

#attempt #hierarchize #Medicine #UNSa



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