FPÖ – Amesbauer/Belakowitsch zu Raab: ÖVP completely unbelievable even with immigration | Liberal Parliament Club

2023-08-23 15:15:09

Vienna (OTS) “ÖVP Minister Raab today complained regarding the ‘wrong type of immigration’. This statement can confidently be booked as a self-accusation. It is the ÖVP that, together with the Greens, continues to open the floodgates to illegal immigration into our social system. The ÖVP obviously no longer has any qualms when it comes to keeping the Austrians laughing. The population doesn’t believe Nehammer and Co. anyway,” said FPÖ social spokeswoman and club representative NAbg today. dr Dagmar Belakowitsch and the liberal security spokesman NAbg. Hannes Amesbauer

“Should the ÖVP be interested in stopping illegal immigration into our social system, they would only have to agree to the liberal proposals in Parliament – such as the 23-point package of measures to de-attract Austria as a destination country for the ‘new migration of peoples’ – keyword ‘Fortress Austria ‘. However, so far, supported by the red-pink sham opposition, it has done exactly the opposite. Instead, the ÖVP-Green government is throwing a climate bonus at the end of asylum seekers, fed from taxpayers’ money – and is not moving away from it either,” said Belakowitsch and Amesbauer.

The ‘Fortress Austria’ is the right way to stop the ‘wrong form of immigration’ that Raab laments. “A ‘Fortress Austria’ and the measures contained therein, such as a freeze on asylum and the end of access to our social system for asylum seekers, also means that you have to mess with the EU in the interests of your own population. Nehammer and Co. lack the will and courage for this, no matter what they promise, claim or assert,” emphasized Belakowitsch and Amesbauer.

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Liberal Parliament Club
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press-parliament club@fpoe.at

#FPÖ #AmesbauerBelakowitsch #Raab #ÖVP #completely #unbelievable #immigration #Liberal #Parliament #Club



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