Alleviating Shortness of Breath: Expert Advice from a Cardiologist

2023-08-23 21:23:21

Why it becomes difficult for us to breathe and what to do regarding it.

Zukhra Salpagarova, a cardiologist at the DocMed clinic, explained to Zdorovye how to alleviate shortness of breath and not miss the onset of a serious illness.

Before moving on to advice, as a cardiologist, I want to start by explaining the meaning of the term “shortness of breath” and talk regarding the reasons for its occurrence.

Shortness of breath is a difficulty in breathing, that is, a person has a violation of the depth, rhythm and frequency of breathing. Shortness of breath in this case is physiological. This means that it can occur normally in every person, for example, during serious physical exertion.

Also, the causes of the development of shortness of breath can be:

diseases of the cardiovascular system; diseases of the respiratory system; anemia; obesity; detraining; panic attacks, depression.

To find out the true cause of shortness of breath, you need to contact a general practitioner, cardiologist or pulmonologist.

Red flags for shortness of breath (when you need to urgently run to the doctor or call an ambulance):

blue lips and nasolabial triangle (cyanosis); a sharp increase or decrease in blood pressure; when in the act of breathing (inhalation and exhalation) auxiliary muscles are used. When the skin between the ribs sinks during inhalation and the abdomen seems to move during breathing; the respiratory rate is more than 22 per minute (the norm is 16 chest movements in 1 minute); noisy breathing, whistling noise on inspiration.

To alleviate shortness of breath (if there are no red flags), you can do the following:

breathe fresh air, ventilate the room; if shortness of breath occurs during physical activity, stop or reduce the intensity of exercise. And then still consult a doctor; sleep or lie on a high headboard; in a sitting position, bend forward on your elbows. This will help the lungs expand and make breathing easier; calm down, while taking slow, deep, even breaths; use breath through pursed lips. Inhale through your nose and exhale very slowly through your mouth, pursing your lips. Note that the exhalation should be twice as long as the inhalation; oxygen therapy – use an oxygen concentrator, if available; regular physical activity recommended by a doctor; observe the regime of sleep and rest, get enough sleep; monitor the body mass index, it should be normal.

These fairly simple but effective recommendations can improve your condition.

Treatment of shortness of breath is related to the cause of its occurrence, often it is only a symptom of a disease. Therefore, do not self-medicate, consult a doctor.

See also: Cardiologist spoke regarding the “pie method” when taking pills

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