They reinstated the judge who denounced a prostitute for stealing from him

2023-08-23 16:22:21

A Bahía Blanca judge was restored to his position today following a trial jury found him not guilty in an investigation for alleged abuse of authority following denouncing that a sex worker he stole his wallet by providing a service in 2019 in that Buenos Aires city, judicial sources reported.

This is the head of the Execution Court 2 of Bahia, Onildo Osvaldo Stemphelet, who was reinstated by a Jury for the Trial of Magistrates and Officials in the framework of a hearing that took place in the Hearing Room of the Subsoil of the Annex of the Chamber of Senators, “Alberto Balestrini” Building.

denounce the prostitute

The event for which he tried the Bahian magistrate occurred in May 2019, when Stemphelet, following having relations with a young woman for money, reported having suffered the theft of his wallet, which led to police and judicial intervention.

The accusation centered around the commission of an alleged abuse of authority that the official would have carried out by ordering the uniformed officers to requisition the property and arrest the young woman.

The jury was led by the President of the Supreme Court of the Province of Buenos Aires, Sergio Torres; and made up of the legislators Gabriela Demaría and María Lorena Mandagarán; co-lawyers Aníbal Juan Mathis, Pablo Agustín Grillo Ciocchini, Jorge Pablo Martínez, Julián Alberto Oliva and Pedro Arbini Trujillo; and Ulises Giménez as Permanent Secretary for Prosecution of Magistrates of the Province of Buenos Aires.

While legislators Walter Caruso, Susana González and Francisco Durañona did not participate in the debate

During the reading of the verdict this morning, it was indicated that it was resolved to “reinstate Onildo Osvaldo Sthempelet for not having reached the majority required by article 12 of Law 13,661 to his position as head of the Execution Court2 of the Judicial Department of Bahía Blanca” .

In addition, it was ordered that the embargo be lifted “on 40% of the magistrate’s salary, which must be communicated to the Administration Secretariat of the Supreme Court of Justice of the province of Buenos Aires” as well as not to impose costs.

The co-judges Grillo Ciochini, Mathis, Martínez and Arbini Trujillo voted for the reinstatement of Sthempelet; while President Torres voted for the dismissal and disqualification of the judge, a position that was supported by Mandagarán, Oliva and Demaría.

During the allegations, the prosecutor Lucas Oyhanarte, on behalf of the Attorney General, had requested the dismissal, while the defense in charge of Graciela Cortázar asked that the charges be dismissed on the grounds that the conduct that accused him had not been proven.

Oyhanarte said that due to the evidence gathered, Stemphelet carried out acts “for breach of the duties inherent to the position, carrying out acts or activities incompatible with the dignity and authority of the judicial position that he held, the commission of serious irregularities in the proceedings in which he had intervened. and the defection of good conduct”.

Nor did it rule out the “possible commission of crimes such as deprivation of liberty, violation of residence and abuse of authority” in reference to the woman.

“There is no doubt that he performed badly and that he deviated from the good conduct required to remain in office,” added the prosecutor.

Before the jury, Sthempelet himself maintained: “When I noticed the missing money and credit card when I was on the street, I had some mixed emotions since I didn’t really know whether to call the police, report or not say anything and go home so no one finds out regarding anything.”

“I thought it was more honest, more dignified, to report the fact, not to let it go unnoticed even though I knew that this situation was going to harm me,” he added.

Sthempelet added that following police personnel arrived at the scene, he got into his vehicle and left.

“Later I found out that the woman was taken to the police station, they had identified her, until that moment I wanted to ignore the issue and when the prosecution considered it pertinent they were going to summon me,” he said.

“At no time did I enter the apartment following the police arrived, nor did I observe a search or search procedure,” he stated and concluded: “I am here to let the truth be known, nothing more.”

#reinstated #judge #denounced #prostitute #stealing



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