Unlocking the Benefits: How Cycling Can Improve Mental Health for Kids and Adults

2023-08-22 12:13:00

The nine year old son of Shannon Brescher Shea he had trouble concentrating and following directions at home and at school. But following riding his bike (whether it was in the park or going to school) he felt calmer.

Shea’s experience is not unique. Science has repeatedly shown that physical activity contributes to improving mental health. “Exercise, regardless of age, is the best thing to do for every organ in the body, including the brain,” he says. Allan Reissprofessor of psychiatry and pediatrics and director of the Division of Interdisciplinary Brain Sciences at Stanford University School of Medicine (United States).

And although any exercise helps, there are more and more studies that show that riding a bicycle is one of the activities that can most improve mental health. “Our research shows that children who go cycling at least once a week have higher levels of mental well-being,” says the cognitive scientist Esther WalkerDirector of the Research Program at Outride, a non-profit organization that researches cycling and supports youth programs.

At a time when the mental health of young people is in crisis, cycling is an avenue that families may not have taken full advantage of. If you have a bike, or access to one, here’s what you need to know to reap the benefits of riding.

Recent research has shown that aerobic exercise is related to performance improvement cognitive, such as attention and academic performance. But some experts believe that when we get on a bike, the improvements can be even more pronounced.

Scientists aren’t sure why yet, but it might have something to do with all of the executory function skills that cyclists use. “You have to keep your balance and process a lot of information from your environment, like knowing if you can pass a tree or how hard you have to brake,” says Reiss, one of the researchers who has focused on a subgroup of older cyclists. youth: “You have to continuously coordinate, feel, process, integrate, inhibit and make decisions.”

For everyone, but especially kids, honing those parallel processing skills is key. Outride, through primary research and conducted with university colleaguesis beginning to study how cycling can provide that brain stimulus. According to Walker, “Research suggests that physical activity such as cycling likely encourages the growth of new cells in areas of the brain linked to memory and problem solving, and may promote stronger connections between neurons, ultimately in memory and learning.

Meanwhile, Reiss and his Stanford team are immersed in a new study to measure the changes that occur in the brain while someone exercises (most of the existing research looks at brain activity before and following).

This will allow the team to understand, among other things, how cycling changes attention, whether or not someone has a known attention-related problem such as ADHD. This is important, he says, because the increased attention span from something as simple as a bike ride has the potential to help at home, with friends, at school for children, and at work for adults. .

Luckily, it’s not that difficult to get on a bike. And kids, in particular, “don’t see it as work,” Walker says. “They see it as fun and freedom.” Here are some ideas for your family to take advantage of this powerful mental health overload.

Give the reins to the children. How, exactly, do you hand over control to children on a bike ride? “We are guiding the children, but giving them the ability to make decisions,” he says Thomas ClantonAdjunct Professor of Sports and Recreation Studies at Young Harris College in Georgia, USA.

So, for example, parents can draw a map of the city, highlight 10 kid-friendly destinations, and let the child decide where they want to go and how to get there by bike. And you? Opinion on safety and logistics, depending on the age and abilities of the cyclist.

Offer them tasks. Assigning roles on the bike ride can also give a feeling of control. For example, whoever leads the march will do the pre-checking: Is everyone wearing a helmet, lights on, and a full water bottle? During the course, the leader can call out things to watch out for, such as large puddles or a stop sign. If someone is too tired, the leader decides whether to take a break or turn around.

“Allowing the actions to be led by young people gives them a sense of ownership,” he says Ajoa Abrokwafounder of She Is Focused, a cycling-focused fitness and community engagement program for women and girls in Philadelphia, USA: “They build bike skills to plan, execute, lead and support.”

focus on fun. To make sure riders don’t tire out too quickly (or get too bored), include a fun stop instead of just focusing on the ride. “Self-paced exploration and adventure are key on the bike,” he says. Charles Chancellorassociate professor in the School of Behavioral, Social and Health Sciences at Clemson University in South Carolina, United States (he also directs the Bicycle Research Teamwhich investigates the use of the bicycle).

The adventure can also be urban or rural. If you live in a city with access to bike parks or bike trails, come join the fun. For rural landscapes or those with access to bike paths, look out for local flora and fauna during your ride.

start small. Some cyclists are naturally reticent, especially when it comes to speeding down a hill or testing a rutted trail. Try starting with a “snail race”: Who can go the slowest, without tipping over, from point A to point B?

Incorporates eco-management. Whether your cyclist enjoys the smooth pavement of city streets or trails covered in dirt and roots, the ride provides an opportunity to talk regarding caring for the Earth. City streets and dusty forest trails need care and attention to remain safe for cyclists. “While riding, we develop a greater awareness and care of the trails and roads,” says Abrokwa.

bring friends. Reiss says that the benefits of cycling can be multiplied when it becomes a social endeavor: “Our brains evolved to engage socially, and group exercise is often more motivating for people.”

In neighborhoods where there are bike lanes or other safe routes for cycling, organizing a group ride with friends can be the way to get people less stressed and more relaxed.

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