He did 100 sit ups every day for 30 days, here is the result…

2023-08-21 14:07:20

Who has never dreamed of having abs sculpted to perfection, capable of attracting admiring glances and knowing smiles?

A determined man, Isaiah, chose to face this ambitious challenge: perform 100 sit ups (sit ups) every day for 30 consecutive days.

A quest to assess whether this much-vaunted exercise succeeds really to a miraculous transformation.

This article will take you on his journey, revealing the ups and downs of this challenge, and will answer the question that arouses the curiosity of sports enthusiasts of bodybuilding: constant repetition sit-ups the secret to abs worthy of a Greek god?

Who is Isaiah?

Isaiah is not an elite athlete, however, he is a fearless adventurer who enjoys taking on out-of-this-world challenges.

The description of his Youtube channel : “too easy! Challenging myself every day!” reflects his mentality of constant search for overcoming and ultimatums to get out of that comfort zone.

To the delight of his fans, he therefore confronts unusual situations with an optimistic attitude and a certain sense of humor.

Among its challenges are:

“I survived the place where the Elves live” “I survived the most cursed place in the world” “I survived the robot hotel”

Or, just as funny, but more sporty like:

“I ran a marathon in fangs” “I survived climbing Everest…on a stairmaster”

In short, if Isaiah decided to take up this challenge, it is not to demonstrate his incredible physical strength, but rather because he is intimately convinced that everyone is capable of doing itand that he likes to share his experiences with ordinary mortals.

Why sit-ups?

Sit-ups are widely used to strengthen and tone the abdominal muscles.

By emphasizing the rectus abdominis musclesthis exercise helps to sculpt his chocolate bars.

Besides looks, sit-ups play a crucial role in core stability by creating rock-solid abs, which improves balance and posture.

Plus, by supporting the lumbar region, they can help reduce the risk of back pain.

But back to our sheep, since it is still the aesthetic aspect that pushed Isaiah to take up this challenge.

To know everything regarding this exercise, do not miss our guide: How to develop strong abs in 2023 with the Sit Up

Well, no big mystery: he did a hundred sit-ups every day. for thirty consecutive days.

However, at first, he was not able to do all hundred sit-ups in a row without stopping.

So he would do as many as he might, then stop for 20 or 30 seconds before continuing until he reached 100.

It usually didn’t take him long, regarding five or six minutes at the most. This is why he is convinced that really anyone might do the same.

With repetition, the exercise became easier and easier (the body adapts very quickly), just like anything else.

The only problem, is that it remains painful and boring.

Indeed, it is not fun for anyone to do sit-ups.

In the end, he might do at least 60 in a row right from the start, then one or two more sets when he was in a hurry. He might therefore perform the exercise in less than three minutes, without any problem.

What he got out of it

Isaiah hasn’t seen any significant progress in the gym other than an improvement in his bench press, hitting a personal best of around 100kg.

He doesn’t think the sit-ups had a direct impact on this success (spoiler, indeed, no chance it had any influence).

In sum, according to him, this specific exercise has not had no noticeable effect on his workout routine.

From an aesthetic point of view

As for his physical appearance, despite his strenuous efforts, Isaiah admits to being disappointed by the lack of significant visual results.

He expected to see his figure altered more dramatically.

His weight remained relatively stable around 70-70.5 kg. He still finds that his clothes are a little looser.

Although he saw a slight improvement in his upper abs, his tummy did not miraculously turn into a plate of steel.

However, given the intensity of the challenge (or rather its tiresome nature), he would have hoped to obtain better results.

In conclusion

According to Isaiah, although this challenge represented a significant effort, the formula adopted proved imperfect.

For him, it is essential to vary your trainingbecause continued repetition of the same exercise without the addition of additional resistance or increasing levels of difficulty results in muscle adaptation and maintenance rather than significant evolution.

He therefore recommends a more diverse approach to building muscle masswith an increasingly demanding program and a gradual increase in loads.

In conclusion, according to Isaiah, simple repetition of sit ups is not enoughbecause using body weight alone does not generate the desired levels of progression.

So we’re sorry to disappoint you, but doing 100 sit-ups a day isn’t enough to get a six-pack.

Her advice for sculpting your abs despite everything

According to Isaiah, beautiful chocolate bars cannot be obtained without proper diet.

He recalls in his testimony that individuals with well-defined abs often have a very healthy diet and maintain adequate hydration.

On this subject, he evokes the behavior of athletes, especially those in weightlifting, who restrict themselves to a limited water consumption before competitions so that their muscles are more prominent.

By the way, do you remember our article on Troy Adashun, the weightlifter who managed to do 1000 sit-ups for 7 days?

Either, he obtained much better results than our friend, but remember that his challenge came with zero sugar tolerance and a calorie restriction of 1000 kcal per day, which is enormous.

So, just like Isaiah’s, this example shows that there is a correlation between a balanced diet and well-defined abs.

In addition to a healthy and specific diet, Isaiah recommends a type of training similar to that practiced by American bodybuilder Mat Fraser.

Again, he highlights the importance of adding resistance to sit-ups, which can be achieved by using additional weights.

And it can be performed in most gyms, as you will find the necessary equipment there.

What do you think of all this? Do not hesitate to share your experience and let us know your opinion in the comments.

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