Flea Seed Shells: The Ultimate Guide to Weight Loss and Digestive Health

2023-08-21 20:25:04

Flea seed shells are ideal for losing weight! They are full of fiber and stimulate digestion. Flea seed husks are one of the most underestimated superfoods, although the small seeds are full of power for our health. Everything important regarding the ingredients, the general effect, as well as the intake and possible side effects can be found here.

What are psyllium husks actually?

Flea seed shells are the Husks of the seeds of the Plantago ovata plantbelonging to the family of plantain family heard. The plant has many names and is also known as “Indian psyllium” or “Indian plantain” because it grows in India. But it can also be found in Afghanistan and North Africa. Flea seed shells are considered natural fiber supplier.

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What are the health benefits of psyllium husk?

Flea seed husks are a effective weight loss aid and also offer other health benefits:

Good swelling ability: What is special regarding psyllium husks is their high content of mucilage. Mucilages are bulking agents. Therefore psyllium husks can bind water well – more than 40 times their own weight. They thus multiply their volume. As a result, they fill the stomach and ensure a long-lasting feeling of satiety. They also increase the volume of the intestines and thus support regular bowel movements.Nutritious: Flea seed shells contain many fiber, which have a positive effect on digestion. They promote intestinal activity and prevent constipation. But since they bind a lot of water, they also help with diarrhea. Most of the fiber is excreted undigested. However, part of it is broken down by the intestinal bacteria and contributes to a healthy intestinal flora, which has many positive effects on health. You can find out why a healthy intestinal flora is important and which foods promote good intestinal bacteria in our article on “Building up intestinal flora”. Flea seeds are not only rich in fiber, but also contain flavonoids. These phytochemicals, known as antioxidants function, support the body in the fight once morest harmful free radicals.Protective shield for the intestines: Flea seed husks release mucilage in the digestive tract because their outer layer of long-chain sugar molecules, the Polysacchariden, consists. As soon as these come into contact with liquid, they form a gel-like consistency. Most of these mucilages are not broken down in the intestines, but also serve as a protective film for irritated and inflamed areas in the digestive tract lower cholesterol levels. This was proven by an Iranian study from 2018, in which people with type 2 diabetes consumed ten grams of psyllium husk twice a day. Flea seed husks bind cholesterol to itself before it can get into the blood. The excess cholesterol is then excreted. Psyllium husk also binds bile acid in the intestine and the body then has to produce new bile acid. Cholesterol is required for this. The processing of cholesterol into bile acids consequently lowers cholesterol levels.weight loss: Flea seed shells help you lose weight because they contain few calories, fill you up quickly and are high in fiber. This reduces the feeling of hunger and decreases calorie intake. Read on to find out how psyllium husks help the body lose weight.

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Flea seed shells can help with weight loss

Flea seed husks are a natural appetite suppressant and can therefore help with weight loss. But how exactly do they work?

have psyllium husks hardly any calories, since they consist mostly of fiber. As described above, dietary fiber is mainly excreted undigested. Therefore, the body does not absorb most of the calories from the psyllium husk.Psyllium husk promote the feeling of satiety. Because of the strong swelling ability of the shells, a thick gel forms in the stomach and you feel full. In this way you avoid eating too large meals and save calories digestive. Due to their ability to swell, they bind water and thus stimulate intestinal activity. This also makes it easier for many waste products to be removed from the body. Flea seed shells are therefore often part of intestinal cleansing regulate blood sugarby ensuring that less sugar is absorbed from the intestine. This counteracts food cravings.

Do you want to know what other foods help you lose weight? Then read our articles on “lose weight with apple cider vinegar”, “lose weight with lemon water” and “lemon diet”.

The correct intake of psyllium husks: You have to pay attention to this

Around the best possible effect of psyllium husk, it is important to keep a few things in mind. Here are the main points.

When is the right time to take psyllium husk?

You can consume psyllium husks any time of the day, but it’s best to take them around 30 to 60 minutes before a meal to take As a result, they swell up in the stomach and increase the feeling of satiety. Flea seed husks can also be eaten two hours following a light meal. But they work best in the morning on an empty stomach and with lots of water. It’s best not to take them right before bed, since you naturally don’t drink water at night. However, psyllium husks can only develop their full effect if you provide your body with sufficient water.

This is the correct dosage of psyllium husk

It is best to start with a low dosage and slowly increase it to allow your body to adapt fiber to accustom. Start with one half a teaspoon of psyllium husk powder a day and gradually increase the amount up to one teaspoon at a time, twice a day. As already mentioned, sufficient liquid intake is also important, since the psyllium husks bind a lot of water. It is best to stir the psyllium husk powder into a large glass of water and drink it straight away. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids throughout the day.

Can you take psyllium husk daily?

In principle, nothing speaks once morest the daily intake of psyllium husks. However, it is important to adhere to the dosage and enough water and drink other fluids to avoid constipation. If you have previous illnesses, it is best to discuss the long-term use of psyllium husks with medical professionals.

That’s how many calories psyllium husks contain

100 grams of psyllium husks contain regarding 213 calories. That sounds like a lot, but that’s because fiber is calculated at two calories per gram. As discussed above, most of the fiber is excreted undigested and the body therefore largely does not absorb the calories. Note, however, that psyllium husks alone do not replace a balanced diet and not a miracle cure are. If you want to lose weight, then it’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle with plenty of exercise, high-fiber foods, and adequate sleep and rest.

What possible side effects can occur when eating psyllium husks?

As a rule, flea seed shells are well tolerated and only rarely have side effects. However, if you do not take psyllium husk or psyllium husk powder with enough water, it can gas, constipation and even to one intestinal obstruction come. Never take psyllium husks or the powder completely dry, i.e. without any liquid, because they can Glue the esophagus and close. In the worst case, you might choke on it. Allergic reactions may occur in some people. Anyone who is allergic to other legumes should be careful and use another source of fiber if necessary. If you are taking medication, for example for the thyroid gland, then consult a medical specialist before taking psyllium husk, as interactions can occur. In general, take psyllium husks at least one to two hours apart from medication.

Psyllium (whole) or psyllium husks for weight loss, does that make a difference?

Whole psyllium has a lower fiber content and higher protein content compared to psyllium husks. The mucilage, which promotes digestion, is particularly contained in the shells. Their effect on the intestine is therefore stronger. If you want to lose weight, it is better to use fiber-rich psyllium husks.

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How much psyllium husk do I have to take for these to have an effect?

The optimal dosage and frequency of use of psyllium to promote digestion varies from person to person. However, do not consume more than two teaspoons per day.

How long does it take for psyllium husk to take effect?

The effects of psyllium on digestion are usually noticeable following one to three days. If you use psyllium husks to lose weight, then a longer intake over several weeks or months is necessary, for example as part of a colon cleansing.

How long should nothing be eaten following taking the psyllium husk?

Take the psyllium husk regarding 30 to 60 minutes before a meal. As a result, they swell up in the stomach and increase the feeling of satiety. Flea seed husks can also be eaten two hours following a light meal. They work best in the morning on an empty stomach and with plenty of water.

What should be considered when taking psyllium husks?

It is best to start with a low dosage and slowly increase it to get your body used to the fiber. Start with half a teaspoon a day and gradually increase the amount up to a teaspoon twice a day.

How much should be drunk following taking psyllium husk?

Mix half or a teaspoon of psyllium husk in a glass of water and drink straight. It is best to drink another glass of water followingwards and make sure that you drink enough liquid throughout the day.

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