2023-08-21 13:47:16
World of Statistics has released statistics on gym memberships in different countries. Norway and Sweden have the highest number of gym memberships in the population. 22 percent of the population in both countries go to the gym (Mediaone News).
???????? % of population that have gym membership:????????Norway → 22%????????Sweden → 22%????????US → 21.2%????????Denmark → 18.9%????????Netherlands → 17.4%????????Finland → 17.2%????????Canada → 16.7%????????UK → 15.6%????????Australia → 15.3%????????Germany → 14%????????Austria → 12.7%????????Spain → 11.7%????????France → 9.2%…
— World of Statistics (@stats_feed) August 19, 2023
The US is second on the list with 21.2 percent of people having a gym membership. But India is 31st in the list with 0.15 percent membership in gym. India is at the last place in the list released by World of Statistics.
Different countries and percentage of gym memberships
Norway 22% Sweden 22% Sweden 22.9% of Netherlands 17.2% Finland 17.2% Australia 17.2% Germany 14.2% Spain 11.2% Spain 11.2% Spain 11.1% Spain 9.1% Poland 8% Korea 7.3% Argentina 6.7% Portugal 6.7% Brazil 4.9% South Africa 3.9% Saudi Arabia 3.7% Japan 3.3% Mexico 3.3% China 3% Russia 2.3% Dominican Republic 1.3% Egypt 1.2% Philippines 0.5% Vietnam 0.5% Indonesia 0.5% 2% India 0.15%
World of Statistics has released statistics on gym memberships in different countries
#Jimmen #population #Norway #percent #India