Massive Car Accident in Rue de Cuesmes, Jemappes: A Weekend of Chaos and Destruction

2023-08-21 11:29:01

A weekend to forget for the residents of rue de Cuesmes in Jemappes. This Sunday, around 9:45 p.m., a car heading towards Cuesmes collided with a vehicle parked in the opposite direction. A domino effect ensued. The impact propelled the car once morest the one parked behind, which hit the one parked behind… A total of six cars were hit…

The car is destroyed. -DR

The damage is substantial. The car responsible is destroyed. The one who suffered the first shock turned almost 90° to find herself almost perpendicular to the road and on the sidewalk. “It seems that the speed is in question and that there are no injuries,” comments the Mons-Quévy police.

The accident was particularly violent. -DR

Over 50,000 views

On social networks, a video showing the damage of the accident has been viewed more than 50,000 times. And the comments are, to say the least, unanimous. “We live in a crazy world. I hope he will be punished for his haste. People like this don’t care regarding others who may need their vehicle to go to work. Another unconscious “, can we read, or:” Another great driver. I hope there are no injuries and that he will be well sanctioned with a withdrawal of license for life. »

The cars were thrown into each other. -DR

#cars #involved #accident #damage #substantial #video



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