Yellow tongue: what causes? What to do ?

2023-08-20 18:57:17

The tongue is an organ of the oral cavity which has an essential role in swallowing, chewing, taste but also language. The tongue is particularly powerful armed with 3000 sensory sensors as well as 17 muscles.

A healthy tongue is pink!

A healthy tongue is usually rosy tint accompanied by a few white areas due to the presence of the papillae. A healthy tongue is not swollen and has no lesions.

Does a yellow tongue signal a health problem?

Having a yellow tongue is not trivial. This can be a sign of excess toxins in the body, an infection in the tongue, or even inflammation of the liver. If your tongue is yellow, you should see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

How to recognize a yellow or yellowish tongue?

Sometimes, the surface of the tongue can take a yellow coloring and seem”loaded“, that is to say, covered with a yellowish or off-white deposit. This shade makes it possible to discern the papillae and the irregularities of the mucous membrane of the ventral surface of the tongue. These symptoms can be present on all or part of the tongue: both in front, in the center, and behind (up to the lingual brake).

Other Signs May Be Associated With Yellow Tongue

  • A dry mouth and lips with a small amount of saliva in the oral cavity;
  • A feeling of intense thirst with a frequent need to rehydrate;
  • A sticky, pasty mouthfeel;
  • Canker sores;
  • Pains ;
  • Fever and/or deterioration in general condition;
  • A deformity of the tongue;
  • Ageusia (loss of taste);
  • A bad breath (halitosis);
  • And unpleasant taste in the mouth.

What does it mean when one has a yellow and loaded tongue?

Very often the yellow tongue is not serious. It is a sign that something is “wrong” in your lifestyle. It can be the consequence:

  • Increased consumption of food colorings or spices (such as curry);
  • of a excess coffee or tea;
  • of a alcohol abuse ;
  • Of smoking ;
  • Consumption of certain drugs;
  • of a lack of oral hygiene which promotes the development of bacteria;
  • of a dehydration ;
  • Of excessive use of mouthwashes or certain unsuitable oral hygiene products.
  • From the simple fact of breathe through the mouth.

What disease makes the tongue yellow?

Nevertheless, sometimes a yellow tongue is a sign of a disease such as:

  • A jaundice also called jaundice, secondary to liver, gallbladder or pancreas problems. In this case, the yellow tongue is accompanied by yellowing of the conjunctivae and skin;
  • And tongue cancer or one oral cavity cancer ;
  • And diabetes : different types of diabetes can cause yellowing of the tongue because the bacteria on the tongue feed on sugar;
  • A disease or dental problem ;
  • And Gougerot-Sjogren’s syndrome also called “syndrome sec” which results in an insufficiency of saliva;
  • The covid-19 : signs affecting the language have been reported as a change in the color of the tongue or white color patches;
  • Andgastroesophageal reflux (RGO) or some acid reflux in the mouth ;
  • A black hairy tonguea mild temporary condition that is often caused by the overgrowth of bacteria in the mouth;
  • A tongue fungus or muguet buccal, linked to the overgrowth of candida albicans yeast. In this case, an off-white deposit is usually associated.
  • A leucoplasia, a condition most often triggered by irritating agents such as tobacco. In this case, gray or white patches on the tongue are associated;
  • A villous leukoplakia usually linked to immune deficiency (especially HIV infection) or caused by the Epstein-Barr virus. It is associated with other signs such as white, hairy patches on the side of the tongue.

What is Black Hairy Tongue?

Sometimes yellow tongue is a warning symptom of black hairy tongue also known as “hairy black tongue“. This temporary condition is benign. The black deposit is due to an accumulation of bacteria and cellular debris on the papillae present on the surface of the tongue. The “hairy” appearance is due to the excessive growth of the papillae. Several factors explain this condition as tobacco consumption, taking antibiotics or other medications (such as neuroleptics for example), the use of oral antiseptics, chemotherapy or orofacial radiotherapy.

What drugs make the tongue yellow?

THE medications that can cause a yellow tongue are :

  • THE antibiotics that alter the balance of bacteria in the body;
  • THE antipsychotics or neuroleptics (and sometimes antidepressants) responsible for dry mouth ;
  • THE cancer treatments (chemotherapy and radiotherapy).

How to cure a yellow tongue?

In order to regain a rosy tongue, it is necessary to change some bad habits…

Yellow or black tongue: quit alcohol and tobacco!

If you have a yellow tongue and drink alcohol regularly, it is best to limit your intake. Especially since alcohol promotes inflammation of the liver, one of the symptoms of which is jaundice.

If you think your tongue is yellow because of your tobacco use, it is best to start smoking cessation. Indeed, tobacco promotes oral diseases such as leukoplakia, black hairy tongue or periodontitis.

Improve your lifestyle for a normal tongue

A healthy lifestyle helps maintain a healthy mouth. Indeed, a balanced diet prevents overweight and digestive discomfort. You protect yourself from gastro-oesophageal reflux (GERD) likely to irritate the oral passages or from poor dental health favored in particular by the consumption of sugary foods.

Brush your teeth well

Preferably use a soft toothbrush and one fluoridated toothpaste.

Using a semi-circular movement of the wrist, roll the brush from the gum to the tooth, and only in this direction, to loosen dental plaque and food debris. Repeat this gesture two or three times for each group of two teeth.

Also brush the top surfaces of your teeth (chewing surfaces). To do this, perform a back and forth motion at least ten times per side.

Brush your teeth for two minutes, three times per day (following each meal).

Remove the layer on the tongue

When brushing your teeth, stick your tongue out as much as possible. Then using a soft-bristled toothbrush, brush from the back of the tongue forward to remove the yellowish film.

You can even use a tongue scraper. In a slow, fluid motion, pull the scraperlanguage from the back of your language forward. The edge of the scraper will rub once morest the rough surface of the languageand remove any residue.

Beware of mouthwashes!

Be careful, the use of mouthwashes containing hydrogen peroxide, witch hazel or menthol can change the color of your tongue. In addition, it is better to favor mouthwashes without alcohol and soft. Never use these products more than twice a day, in addition to brushing.

How to treat a yellow tongue with baking soda?

The baking soda can help eliminate yellow tongue by balancing the pH of the mouth. All you need to do is mix a tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of water and rinse your mouth with the mixture without swallowing it. You can perform this treatment up to 3 times a day.

Yellow tongue: when should you consult?

In case of yellow tongue, it is better to consult a doctor if:

  • the signs persist for several days to weeks despite oral hygiene efforts;
  • other worrying local signs are associated: pain, swelling of the tongue, bleeding…
  • general signs are associated: fever, deterioration in general condition, diffuse pain, weight loss, jaundice in the skin and conjunctiva…

What treatments to expect?

Treatment for yellow tongue depends on the cause of the tongue. This may involve adjusting drug treatment or taking antibiotics or even antifungals in the event of an infection…

#Yellow #tongue



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