The Benefits of Taking a Nap: Keys to Perfect Snoozing and Improved Cognitive Performance | [Website Name]

2023-08-18 22:10:00

At last we have great news: various studies point to the benefits of take a nap. But before grabbing the pillow, read carefully the keys so that the snooze is perfect.

Although outside our borders we are known, among many other things, for the Napsthose that according to popular gossip are almost a matter of state in our country, the results of the Simple Lógica IOP survey indicate that these daytime snoozes might be already thing of the past. The data says that six out of ten Spaniards never take a nap and that those who do spend an average of 35 minutes. In fact, another study published in Nature Communications showed that there is a nap genetics, that is to say: there are those who are born with a propensity to nap while other people are not.

The benefits of a nap

A new twist on the subject has come from the University of Murcia through the team of the Professor of Nutrition Marta Garaulet and of the Brigham and Women’s Hospital of Boston, who have discovered that people who sleep naps of 30 minutes or more have higher body mass indices and are more likely to suffer metabolic syndrome. those who sleep short napsthey have no risk of obesity or metabolic problems, and as if that were not enough, if you bet on a brief nod, the predisposition to arterial hypertension decreases.

“Las short naps they act like a reset. By giving ourselves a break, we allow our brain to process and store information, consolidating what we have learned and leaving room for new learning. This mental break it improves our memory, attention, problem solving capacity and decision making. But there is also a extra psychological benefit. A nap allows us to rebalance ourselves, reducing cortisol levels, the stress hormone,” he explains. Isabel Aranda, Health psychologist and Chief Content Officer of TherapyChat.

That is, we finally have great news: taking a nap is good… As long as it doesn’t take too long, of course.

Napping improves cognitive performance

“Some scientific research has shown that taking a nod in the middle of the day can improve the cognitive performance and contribute to development and maintenance of the brain, especially in young children and the elderly,” explains Raquel Marin, author of ‘Feed Sleep for a Healthy Brain’. The neuroscientist lists the different types of naps according to the benefit they can generate:

– Replacement nap. When you stay up late and the need to compensate for mental fatigue emerges.

– Preparation nap. It is associated with jobs with night shifts and helps not to cause drowsiness during work activity

– Restful nap. When health is impaired, for example due to some type of infection, a nap can promote the activity of the immune system.

– Usual nap. As a healthy habit in which you enjoy that “stop” attitude of daily activity.

– Healthy nap. As part of the needs for brain health, particularly in children and the elderly.

The new ‘dream tourism’

The current concern for achieving a restful sleep and achieving rest is such that the so-called sleep tourism already exists, a new phenomenon among travelers that consists of configuring the vacation around the increased sleep and of the restchoosing exotic locations as a destination to enjoy experiences of relaxation in luxury accommodation. At Anantara Veli Maldives Resort, for example, they have included ‘grounding mats’, some carpets designed to replace direct contact with the earth, a technology that “may help reduce anxiety, help sleep problems balancing moods and long-term use can help reduce inflammation and pain,” they explain from Anantara Veli Maldives Resort.

For its part, Naladhu Private Island, an idyllic private island of 20 villas in the Maldives, offers its guests a service of massages intended to induce sleep.

How to integrate the nap into the routine

Although enjoying a good nap on vacation is optimal, the question is how we can lose our fear of rest in a society obsessed with working and performing and, of course, how integrate naps into our day to day. Isabel Aranda responds. “We live in an era where being busy has become a status symbol. The “overactive” culture It drives us to measure our value by our level of activity. From psychology, we know that mental and physical fatigue have a negative impact on our health, creativity and decision-making capacity, so it is essential to stop and rest. Rest regenerates our brain, improves memory and enhances our creativity. Think of a bow and arrow. In order for the arrow to move forward with force, we must first retract the bow. Rest is that retraction that prepares us to launch ourselves further and with greater precision”, explains the psychologist, who believes that the nap deserves a space in our diaries by improving concentration, reducing stress and enhancing creativity.

To integrate it, give some advice.

– Plan the moment. Not all hours are the same. Many experience a comedown following eating. Could that be your nap time?

– Ideal duration. 20-30 minutes are enough to revitalize without falling into a deep sleep. We don’t want to wake up groggy. “If you take very long naps, you can generate what is called “sleep inertia” (being in semi-sleep for the rest of the day and with a feeling of intense fatigue) and can also cause us to have trouble falling asleep at night,” warns Raquel Marín.

– Propitious environment. Find a quiet place. If you are in the office, perhaps some headphones with relaxing music, or a comfortable chair can help you.

– Positive mentality. Remember that taking care of yourself is a priority and prepares you to perform better for the rest of the day.

– Consistency. Make it routine. In time, your body and mind will thank you, and will look forward to that break.

Raquel Marín points out that the brain is not the only one that benefits from naps. “Some studies have shown that the nap deprivation in those who practice it regularly it seems increase the risk of cardiovascular disease at a significant 37 percent. In fact, some companies have incorporated the option of a siesta among their workers”, he indicates.

If science says that naps are beneficial, how can we refuse to take a nap every day? That said, I’m going to send an email to Human Resources to justify this dream in the middle of the day. For the record, it’s for the sake of health and well-being, eh?

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