Tragic Wedding Incident in Tripoli, Lebanon: Bride Collapses as Brother Is Killed by Groom’s Brother

2023-08-19 23:58:21

Al-Marsad Newspaper: A circulating video clip showed a bride crying and collapsing following her brother was killed by the groom’s brother during her wedding ceremony in Tripoli, Lebanon.

Crying and screaming

The video showed a bride wearing a white dress crying and screaming in the middle of a public street, while women tried to calm her down following she was shocked by the death of her brother.

A quarrel between the two brothers of the newlyweds

In the details, the bride’s brother decided to go up with him in his car to transport her, but at these moments the groom’s brother refused what the bride’s brother asked, and a quarrel occurred between them.

The wedding turned into a funeral

The groom’s brother shot the bride’s brother, which resulted in the death of the latter, who was called “Moamen Al-Beirouti”. The wedding turned into a funeral.

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