Rise in Covid-19 Cases in France: Insights from Vialle Laboratories and Santé Publique France

2023-08-19 08:15:16

The holidays and the appearance of the Eris variant favor a resumption of the Covid-19 epidemic everywhere in France. A recovery confirmed in Corsica by the Vialle laboratories.

In Bastia laboratories, the number of Covid-19 screening tests is low during this summer period, but the positive results are increasing. “It’s spectacular, we have a rise in positives which is very important”declares Jean-Michel Vialle, the director of the Vialle laboratories, who describes a “continuous increase over three consecutive days”. “There are no more questions to ask, we are really on the resumption of active viral circulation.” Until last week, the number of positive cases detected during tests “did not exceed 10%” according to the director. In its laboratories, “Monday, we had a day at more than 30%, Wednesday 40%; Thursday at 50%”.

According to the latest update from Santé Publique France on the epidemic published on August 16, 2023the increase in cases affects all regions. However,“most cases are still reported in busy tourist areas”, observes the establishment. In particular because of: “gatherings” of one “Another type” which take place during the holiday period, and promote the spread of the virus. The appearance of the new dominant variant EG.G or Eris, more difficult to neutralize because of one of its mutations, is also in question; “it’s a variant of Omicron”explains Jean-Michel Vialle. “From the moment a variant imposes itself compared to a previous variant, it means that it has a competitive advantage. Most of the time, it is better transmissibility. In a population like ours, relatively protected and immune, we can think that its 456 mutation allows it to escape antibodies ”

However, Public Health France specifies that the positive cases “remain at low levels compared to levels seen in previous epidemic waves. In Corsica according to figures from August 9, the incidence rate in week 31 (July 31-August 6) was 13.5 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. The incidence of Covid-19 cases confirmed by RT-PCR test remains low according to Santé Publique France. SOS Doctors consultations or the proportion of emergency visits due to Covid do not exceed 0.5% and remain stable.

However, this recovery requires remaining vigilant, especially for populations at risk. “Old people, patients with cardio-respiratory problems, diabetics, subjects who are significantly overweight”recalls Jean-Michel Vialle.

The Bastia laboratories have anticipated, stocks of tests are available. In the slightest doubt, or as soon as a symptom (running nose, fever, cough) appears, do not hesitate to get tested, inform your loved ones and apply barrier gestures. The combined influenza-covid vaccination campaign, scheduled for October, might be brought forward.

#resumption #active #viral #circulation



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