Morinaga Morigro, Complements the Nutritional Needs of Active Children, Children who are Sick or with Eating Disorders

2023-08-17 18:28:15

A challenge in itself when children start solids, even though they have followed the feeding rules, there are times when children start to have difficulty eating or have no appetite. There are many influencing factors, but for the mother’s own experience, children with no appetite often occur when they are sick, traveling for more than 8 hours or when the child is teething.

It’s different when you enter the age of 1 year, 5 years to 10 years, you still feel that your child is starting to be active and have lots of activities, so you really need more nutrition.

The child’s condition is sick or active so that it remains fulfilled apart from the food consumed, of course the mother will provide enough milk so that it does not interfere with her growth and development. The golden period of a child cannot be repeated so mom really pays attention to her nutritional intake, with a complete Morinaga Morigro it will be able to support her nutritional needs so that she eats voraciously and GROMAXimal.

Morinaga Morigro Low Sugar, Helping Children Eat and GROMAXimal

I feel that if I see a child eating voraciously and not being a picky eater, of course he can be calmer because a child’s nutrition can be fulfilled by eating. But during the growth period and the learning to eat stage, of course children need a trial-error process in consuming every food.

There are dozens of muscles that work so that food enters through the mouth, is chewed or processed in the mouth until it reaches the esophagus, to give a signal so that food can be swallowed. This is not easy for children who are learning to eat, but children’s nutritional needs must be fulfilled in this golden age. The solution can be to provide Morinaga Morigro with complete nutritional content, low in sugar, to help children eat voraciously because their nutritional needs are fulfilled, children become healthy and GROMAXimal.

Now let’s get to know Morinaga Morigro first
, because it is indeed the latest product innovation and recommendations with complete nutrition according to the needs of children in their growth period. Morigro milk can be consumed from the age of 1 year and above until the child is 12 years old.

Complete Nutrition Content of Morinaga Morigro Children Eat GROMAXimal

Morigro with the GROMAX formula which is enriched with fish oil, Probiotic BB536, FOS fiber and high in calcium, Morinaga Morigro helps optimize nutrition, also creates a golden period in the stage of optimal child growth and development, as follows:

• The content of fish oil in the GROMAX formula can help children achieve ideal weight and height, as well as function as an appetite booster.
• Fish oil is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, especially eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) to improve digestive health,
• The content of omega-3 fatty acids will help improve digestive function and absorption of nutrients, also reduce inflammation thanks to its strong anti-inflammatory properties.
• BB536 probiotic and FOS fiber prebiotic to maintain immunity, and high in vitamins A, C, E and zinc.
• To optimize children’s growth and development, Morinaga Morigro is also equipped with a high content of calcium, Vitamin D, 14 vitamins and 9 minerals and lower in sugar.

Morinaga Morigro with complete nutritional content, if a child has inflammation that makes him lazy to eat, it can be overcome immediately too. Helps improve mental health, maintain brain health, and improve nutritional status because it contains a number of important nutrients, including vitamin D and vitamin A. Therefore, fish oil is one of the most important components of Morinaga Morigro.

What is special is that Morinaga Morigro, made from selected ingredients, is designed to overcome one of the main challenges often experienced by parents who struggle to encourage a healthy appetite for children and face difficulties in fulfilling nutrition when children are in a difficult eating phase in Indonesia. With its advantages, Morinaga Morigro provides solutions to help parents overcome the problem of children having difficulty eating.

So if a child has trouble eating, parents don’t need to panic. Prioritize the most important solutions first to overcome the problem by achieving and maintaining weight and practicing a healthy diet for children. Mom really agrees because the golden age of children cannot be repeated and we can prioritize the important things, namely the child’s nutritional needs are fulfilled.

Why a Child Has an Eating Disorder

What factors cause children’s nutrition to be inadequate? One of them is children with eating disorders, children who have difficulty eating, or children who are picky about food. It does happen often. For example in Indonesia, the results of the IPSOS study of mothers who have children aged 1-6 years, Jabodetabek and Medan show that 55 percent of parents in Indonesia say their children have appetite problems.

According to Vera Itabiliana S Psi, Child Psychologist at the Institute of Applied Psychology, University of Indonesia, several psychological factors can change a child’s appetite. , among others:

• Parental feeding practices, parents who also have feeding difficulties, or frequently using food as a reward or punishment can contribute to picky eaters. Providing a limited variety of food menus also causes children to have feeding difficulties
• The food environment at home, including the availability of different foods and the eating habits of family members, can influence a child’s food choices and preferences
• Other emotional factors, such as stress, changes in routine, or anxiety can also affect a child’s appetite and desire to try new foods, which can lead to difficulty eating.

So it can also be concluded that the magnitude of the impact of feeding difficulties encourages Morinaga Morigro, a formula for children aged 1 year and over, to try to meet the main needs of children during their growth period, while trying to overcome the causes of this picky eating behavior.

Feeding difficulties are usually classified into three main categories as suggested by Kerzner, including:
• limited appetite,
• selective intake, and
• fear of eating.

All of these categories have subtypes, including perceptual eating problems, as well difficulty eating organic and non-organic.

On the same occasion, dr. Muliaman Mansyur, Head of Medical KALBE Nutritionals states that feeding difficulties themselves have various forms, types, and symptoms.
Attention must be paid to red flags, due to organic disorders such as sick children, fever, swollen gums, painful swallowing, nausea, vomiting, and gastrointestinal disorders. As well as other diseases such as motor and sensory disturbances in the area of ​​the mouth to digestion.

Of course, this eating problem must be overcome by treating organic, psychological, and nutritional problems so that children’s growth and development can be optimal. Global studies show that between 14 percent and 50 percent of children experiencing appetite disorders are among preschoolers, and from 7 percent to 27 percent in older children.

When in the evaluation stage, eating is also looking for the causes of children having difficulty eating, of course, nutrition is still needed and cannot be ignored. Morinaga Morigro helps children to be able to complete their nutrition as well as helping improve and make children eat more voraciously because their nutritional needs are met with the complete content of Morinaga Morigro.

Morinaga Morigro to Meet the Nutritional Needs of Actively Moving Children for Optimal Growth and Development

Children with active movements sometimes worry a little whether their intake of energy, protein and nutrients is sufficient with their daily food intake. Mom is looking for any food that can help so that her energy can be fulfilled properly, such as oatmeal, bananas, nuts, seeds and milk.

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Mom’s Way to Support Babam, who is starting to be active

One of the concerns of parents is whether the child is getting enough nutrition and protein needs to achieve optimal growth and development.

The same is the case with mothers who often think about food intake for Babam, as well as giving milk to increase body weight or milk to increase body height when the child has difficulty eating.
The more they grow and develop, the more active they are with additional nutrition, the more they need more, one of which is to achieve maximum growth and development and fulfill active activities, which can be fulfilled with Morinaga Morigro.

Children with active movements sometimes worry a little whether their intake of energy, protein and nutrients is sufficient with their daily food intake. Mom is looking for any food that can help so that her energy can be fulfilled properly, such as oatmeal, bananas, nuts, seeds and milk.

Active movements carried out by children, such as jumping, running, climbing and others can help release a protein called Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor. The importance of this protein can help maintain brain cells while increasing brain cell signal speed and neuron health. Can have an influence, so it’s easier for children to concentrate, process information faster, and have better memory skills.

With Babam’s character being so active, he is still learning how to approach it so he can find a comfortable way of learning, dare to fight fear, lack of confidence and fight evil monsters that curb his potential. Mom chose a simple way as follows:

  1. Showing What Courage Is Like, in daily life, Babam’s fear is one of them, when it rains, there is a thunderous sound, he immediately hides and covers his ears. Mamih had the idea to make the sound of lightning an evil monster and take a flashlight or lamp that could glow in different colors. When the sound of thunder comes, we turn on the flashlight as if we were fighting the sound so that Babam will no longer be afraid of the sound of thunder. Show determination and commitment so that Babam will be braver to face when the sound of thunder comes again.
  2. Praising your little one with details, when Babam is brave and can face his fears like the sound of thunder, seeing a snail, mom can accompany and praise him when he shows courage.
  3. Build Children’s Confidence, Parents need to help recognize children’s characters so they know the strengths possessed by children. Trying to convince children to grow their self-confidence and continue to provide support so that children can be themselves and develop self-confidence in taking risks for what they do.
  4. Invite Children to Role Play, Introducing Brave Figures. Usually children like super heroes or cartoon characters who they think are cool because they have succeeded in fighting evil monsters. Like Babam likes Ben 10 which tells the story of changing into various forms in fighting evil monsters. So parents also participate in the world of roles with children, making exciting stories with characters that children like.

In accompanying Babam and participating in his activities, I am grateful that even though Babam is not the type who wants to eat voraciously, he is a bit picky about food, but he wants to eat foods that are still processed and include balanced nutritional intake consisting of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals as well. Babam likes to eat vegetables and fruit.

To complete their nutritional needs, mom chooses the complete ingredients in Morinaga Morigro Milk, because there are times when children have difficulty eating or are sick. When Babam had trouble eating, Mom wasn’t too worried because every day Babam wanted to consume Morinaga Morigro’s milk twice a day.

Mom’s hope is that when Babam grows optimally, he can provide the activities he likes, and accompany him to achieve his desires or goals. Mom often also shares on social media Babam’s activities, which likes to imagine. He likes monsters and dreams of becoming an animator like the game “My Singing Monsters” so mom also accompanies drawing to direct his activities and he really likes to tell a lot with mom.

Mamih is grateful for having a good bond with Babam, learning to understand character and also trying to be a facilitator for her education. Mom’s hope, Babam can become a GROWMAXimal that is full of kindness, is creative and can also benefit himself as well as the environment around him.

To fulfill this, mom also pays attention to good intake for Babam, one of which is choosing Morinaga Morigrow Milk with Omega 3, Fish Oil, also contains Complete Vitamins. Morinaga Morigro’s high quality milk contains complete nutrition needed by the body, which is an important intake and is very much needed for the growth and development of children.

Luckily mom was able to provide Morinaga Morigro’s children. Because Morinaga Morigro contains a lot of fish oil, omega 3.6 and other nutrients needed by a child’s body. Starting from protein, probiotics, to various kinds of vitamins.

Mom decided to buy a few months ago and was grateful because Babam liked the vanilla flavor so it wasn’t difficult to give Morinaga Morigro which has complete ingredients. Mom is also still trying to work with dad so that the family can also get food intake with balanced nutrition.

So far, Mom is very grateful for Babam’s progress at every stage of his age. According to his character, Mamih chose the Natural School so that her active activities could be channeled and her imaginative powers could be further developed. Babam is more enthusiastic every time he goes to school and is always enthusiastic, feels his desire to achieve his goals is fulfilled and is active and happy at school.

Morigro GROWMAXimal

If you are interested in Morinaga Morigro, you can find out complete information and rules for consuming it according to children’s needs. To always update information about parenting and other nutrition, please follow Morinaga Morigro’s Instagram account and visit the website
Mommy hopes that this writing helps, always accompany your little one so that he grows optimally with good parental bonding.
Greetings healthy everyone

#Morinaga #Morigro #Complements #Nutritional #Active #Children #Children #Sick #Eating #Disorders

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