Oscar González transferred his properties to his children after the fatal crash in the Altas Cumbres

2023-08-18 21:35:50

This week it was learned that the judge of the 1st Instance, Jose Maria Estigarribia, ordered to seize Oscar González for two properties, for a total of 22 million pesos. It is regarding an apartment in Nueva Córdoba and a house in Villa Dolores that they were put in the names of their three children in February 2023.

CORDOBA PROFILE had access to the Property Registry reports in which it is noted that the former provincial government official transferred these two properties to his three children, who since February 8, 2023 have condominium ownership.

Specifically, one of the properties is an apartment in a building located on Avenida Poeta Lugones at 300 of the provincial capital, one of the most expensive areas of Nueva Córdoba. It had been acquired by Oscar Félix González in 2014 and deeded in condominium with his ex-wife.

On February 8 of this year, three months following the crash on the Camino de las Altas Cumbres in which Alejandra Bengoa died and two adolescents were seriously injured, the legislator put that property in the name of Oscar Martín González, Diego Raúl González and Ana Carolina González.

On the same day, in the same operation before a notary public, the former provincial Health Minister transferred as a “donation” to his three children the property located at 300 Hormaeche street in the city of Villa Doloresin the San Javier department.

This property was acquired by Oscar González in 2004 and, from that date until February 2023, he owned it in condominium with his ex-partner.


As this medium was able to know, at least two other properties were transferred under equal conditions to his heirs direct.

Two properties to seize

The apartment on Avenida Poeta Lugones in Córdoba and the Villa Dolores property are exactly those that Judge José María Estigarribia ordered to seize for a total value of 22 million pesos, in order to partially cover the provisional demand of 122 million pesos. requested by the victims of the road accident through their lawyers, Emiliano Binante and German Romero Marcón.

As confirmed by the court, this 22-page resolution dated August 11, 2023 It is still “in process” while they await eventual proceedings of the parties involved.

In the text of the court document, Estigarribia considered the sworn statement presented by the former provincial official “ridiculous” at the request of the Legislature of Córdoba on February 26, 2020, in which he reports a heritage of just over 4 million pesos for a total of 11 properties.

On that date, González declared that he owned a house in Córdoba for a value of 924 thousand pesos. He also has four apartments in the capital for 35,000 pesos, 400,000 pesos, 800,000 pesos and 650,000 pesos.

He added a garage on Chacabuco Boulevard for 20,000 pesos, a house in Villa Dolores for 50,000 pesos, land for 5,000 pesos in San Javier, a house in the same town for 398,000 pesos, a lot in Yacanto for 40,000 pesos and 50% of other land in Traslasierra for 0.05 cents.


Regarding the unusual values ​​declared by the official legislator using the license, Judge Estigarribia indicated in the letter that “from the point of view of a common person with minimal knowledge of the market, one notices without much effort that the goods described make up a patrimony of such importance that it far exceeds the figure of Pesos Four Million ($4,000,000) and I dare say the amount of compensation claimed ($122,000,000)”.

consulted by CORDOBA PROFILE, Emiliano Binante, lawyer for Alejandra Bengoa’s family, said: “A federal prosecutor should at least take ex officio action in case there is any alleged act of money laundering or aggravated evasion. When you find out that there is a resolution from a provincial judge who says that the patrimony of a public official calls your attention, it should be investigated at federal headquarters.

For his part, the lawyer Miguel Ortiz Pellegrini, defender of Oscar González, only stated the following before the request: “There is no risk of insolvency because the damaged vehicle has insurance.”

How much are those properties worth?

The department of luxurious building on Avenida Poeta Lugones It is in a category area with a view of Parque Sarmiento. There are few places that enjoy that exclusivity in Córdoba.

Has 116.27 square meters (m2) and a fiscal value, according to the Cadastre Córdoba update, of 5,303,727 pesosequivalent to $14,530 to the official change of this day.

However, Diego Giménez, owner of the Real Estate Index, assured this medium that a property of these characteristics not worth less than 130 thousand dollars: “It can even be more than 10 thousand extra dollars for the amenities you have.”


While, the Villa Dolores property that seeks to be seized has 267 m2 and has a fiscal value of 2,506,911 pesos (6,868 dollars)according to the Cadastre portfolio that depends on the provincial Ministry of Finance.

“In Villa Dolores, a house on a 250 m2 lot with 150 meters built, two bedrooms: worth between 70 and 75 thousand dollars minimumGimenez said.

#Oscar #González #transferred #properties #children #fatal #crash #Altas #Cumbres



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