2023-08-18 20:04:59
To celebrate seven years of No Man’s Sky, Hello Games released a video recounting their major updates with inspirational music, and exaggerated reactions from fans discovering the various announcements. We almost forget that it’s still so boring!
The video unfortunately ends with “the journey continues”, along with the announcement of the next major update, Echoes. Undoubtedly a metaphor to describe the motivation of the player, getting out of breath a little more with each repetition…
If you still want to try the adventure, seven years later, know that you will still have to payer No Man’s Sky square pot, because the story of the persevering devs who “recovered the slope”, it works. We tell you all the same that it is possible to have a 10% reduction through our partner Gamesplanetbut it will still be the staggering sum of 53 € to spend.
#Mans #Sky #Years #Disappointments #Summarized #Minutes