drinking water, an essential gesture for the elderly… with a few precautions

2023-08-18 16:40:39

It is also necessary to ensure that you eat correctly and do not hesitate to cool off with the help of an atomizer or a damp cloth.

For the elderly, high heat represents a significant risk of dehydration. A warning reiterated by the authorities when a heat wave hit France. Nineteen departments are placed in orange vigilance for the heat wave, Friday August 18, and this figure will increase to 28 for the day of Saturday.

>> Follow the latest information on the heat wave live with our editorial staff

But also beware of excess water, which can be dangerous. Franceinfo explains why, during a heat wave, the elderly must stay hydrated… without exceeding certain limits.

Older people get dehydrated faster

Several factors explain why the elderly are more vulnerable to heat waves. First the fact that the feeling of thirst decreases with age, as explained by the site dedicated to the prevention of risks for the elderly set up by the government. Moreover, as we age, the body sweats less. Deprived of this natural tool for regulating the temperature, the body risks exceeding 37 degrees.

And that’s not all. “The older you get, the less the kidney works, and the harder it becomes to retain water in your body” explains to franceinfo Olivier Guérin, chef of the gerontology center at the University Hospital Center (CHU) of Nice. In addition, certain chronic diseases, to which the elderly are particularly prone, increase the risk of dehydration: “this is for example the case of diabetes, cancers and chronic respiratory diseases”lists the geriatrician.

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The most well-known risk of this dehydration is that of “heatstroke.” It causes fever, headaches, even vomiting and “disorders of consciousness“, we read on the government website.

If the elderly do not necessarily feel thirsty when they are dehydrated, other signs can give warning: arterial hypotension, tachycardia, production of urine less abundant and/or darker than usual, constipation, dryness of the tongue and lips… THE mood swings, confusion, drowsiness, dizziness or even unusual tiredness can also be warning signs.

“Drink water”: yes, but…

During heat waves, it is recommended that the elderly drink regularly, without waiting to feel thirsty. The government recommends favoring waters “medium mineralized”, or mix highly mineralized water with tap water. Alcohol, on the other hand, promotes dehydration, while very sweet drinks, tea and coffee increase the secretion of urine, which is not recommended.

Drinking is also essential “for the right dosage of drugs” taken by many elderly people, underlines Olivier Guérin. The golden rule is “consult a doctor, when possible”to take appropriate precautions on a case-by-case basis.

But if it is important to stay well hydrated, it is just as important not to lack salt. However, when you drink a lot of water without having sufficient sodium intake, there is a risk of trigger hyponatremia, a complication that can be “the consequence of an excessive intake of water compared to sodium (salt) or an excess of loss of salt compared to elimination in water”, explains the Ministry of Health. Among the possible consequences of hyponatremia, we can cite nausea, fatigue, or edema. The most serious cases can lead to a lethargic state, confusion, convulsions, even lead to coma, add the health authorities.

It is therefore recommended that the elderly do not drink more than 1.5 liters of water per day, especially since some other foods are already rich in water. There is also no need to put a double ration of salt on your plate: “Just eat right, continues Olivier Guérin. However, the problem, when it is hot, is that the feeling of hunger decreases.” Here once more, it is therefore necessary not to rely solely on his feelings.

Other good reflexes to have

In addition to drinking regularly, it is advisable to wet your skin with a damp cloth and cool off with an atomizer. People at risk should also “avoid all physical activities, especially during the hottest hours (for example, the walk following lunch)”explains Olivier Guérin. Airing early in the morning and in the evening, when it is cool, helps the body to maintain an adequate temperature, as does showering (avoiding freezing water, which has the effect of causing the body to warm up).

Finally, Olivier Guérin invites us to watch “on our loved ones, but also on our neighbors, or even people on the street.” According to the association the Little Brothers of the Poor, France has around 2 million seniors affected by isolation.

Episodes of high heat can be dangerous for health, especially for the elderly, disabled or isolated, who are more vulnerable. To limit the risks, remember to drink water regularly, to avoid going out and physical exertion during the hottest hours of the day, and to close the shutters and curtains of windows exposed to the sun. If unusual symptoms occur (cramps, sudden fatigue, nausea, vomiting, headaches, etc.), do not hesitate to contact 15. Finally, remember to check in on your most vulnerable loved ones during these high temperatures.

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