TestWe’s platform integrates ChatGPT into its solutions to improve tests

2023-08-18 13:12:54

Technological innovations in the digital world, especially those involving Artificial Intelligence (AIs), are very present and raise multiple questions. Some of them are related to the labor market, for example, how they can help to optimize processes in different areas. Following the market trend. TestWe, a French company that operates with online assessment certifications and HR services, also operating in Brazil, decided to use ChatGPT tools in its solutions for remote assessment platforms.

According to the survey “Global AI Adoption Index 2022” , prepared by IBM, more than 40% of Brazilian companies managed to implement some artificial intelligence effectively in their services. In addition, among the companies present in the study, 39% of them made the decision to add AI to their solutions, thinking regarding reducing costs and automating processes.

Rafaela Manes, director of business development in Brazil and Portugal at the French startup, uses the company’s context to illustrate the need for institutions to stick to technological innovations. “In the case of TestWe, we work with education, which is a segment in constant movement and in which technology can bring regarding great changes and evolutions. Therefore, it is more than necessary for institutions to follow this path and adapt to the news, ”she says.

In addition, the director comments that when AIs were introduced, many articles in the education scenario focused on their “negative” side, going through aspects such as fraud or “easy” access to information, which resulted in an atmosphere of fear in around the technology, preventing beneficial uses of the tool. “Over time, companies and institutions began to pay attention to the benefits, which are diverse, being able to help teachers, institutions and even students”, she says.

Good use of technology

According to Rafaela, the virtual assistance functionality integrated into TestWe allows teachers to create tests in a simple way. It is enough for the professor to detail his request, citing, for example, how many questions will be in the evaluation and the difficulty of each one of them.

In addition, the teacher can provide specific content, if you want an item created from a specialized subject. After the process, several questions will be created and it will be possible to select which ones will be imported into the test. After validation, in a few minutes, the test will be created.

Another part of the streamlined online exam process is grading time. Teachers, once they have already received the results of the participants, will also be able to use virtual assistance to verify the open questions. “The idea is that a first correction with notes and comments is performed by the virtual assistant to facilitate the process and save time. Then, the teacher will review and validate the final correction”, explains the director.


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