2023-08-18 14:30:00
Colombia is undergoing a transition from a young population to a rapidly aging population. According to the information from DANE and the analysis contained in Decree 681 of 2022 Public Policy on Old Age and Aging 2022-2031, during the last 30 years the Colombian population has aged at an accelerated rate compared to the demographic structures present in the early and middle ages. of the 20th century.
(Keep reading: ‘One myth of old age is that sexuality fades; but no, desire never goes away.’)
Between 2011 and 2021, older adults doubled their participation in the national total with a growth of 51.5%. Due to this growth, Colombia is taking some steps to meet the needs of this population, among which is the ratification of the ‘Inter-American Convention on the Protection of the Human Rights of Older Persons’.
Given this environment, Pamela Díaz, General Manager of Versania Senior, assures that “Colombia is in the process of recognizing that there are special needs for the elderly, different from their own and exclusive health, such as socio-sanitary services for them and your families”. For this reason, Pamela offers some recommendations to understand how the well-being of these older adults can be guaranteed.
On many occasions we automatically interact with older adults, without counting on their opinion or their preferences. We approach your attention with preconceived routines that do not adapt to your requirements and that have obviated the more than reasonable process, in which your tastes, desires and needs are analyzed. In other words, as a family, we decide what is best for those who have the capacity and right to decide on the coverage of their needs without listening to them.
Unfortunately, older adults experience loneliness as a consequence of the limitations experienced by the passage of time.
Unfortunately, older adults experience loneliness as a consequence of the limitations experienced by the passage of time. Health, mobility problems, the personal and professional development of their relatives, among other issues, cause long periods of solitude that affect them emotionally and sometimes lead to mental health problems. Sharing part of our time with them, helping them to socialize, will undoubtedly strengthen their environment and allow us to prevent changes in attitude and physical changes.
(It may interest you: Latin America will have more old people than young people in 2050)
Feed in a specialized way
During this stage of life, combining a diet designed to meet basic nutritional requirements with attention to tastes will help both to maintain greater personal autonomy and, by extension, a better quality of life, as well as to generate happiness in the elderly. Pathologies will largely define the basic parameters of this diet, and will surely invite us to incorporate diets low in salt, high in protein and accompanied by abundant fruits and vegetables.
Activate the body and mind and stay active
Although the type of activity suggested for older adults should be evaluated, it is important that they remain active, at least with daily walks or stretching exercises. Also have a psychological accompaniment to manage their emotions and manage aspects such as the transition from having a work activity to being a pensioner or retired, loneliness, etc. Additionally, promote activities such as gatherings with friends, board games, painting or dancing.
Seek specialized care
Professional and specialized care for the elderly undoubtedly generates a care environment that complements and/or replaces, in an unbeatable way, care in the family environment. This is why the specialists at Versania Senior in Altos de Yerbabuena in Chía, Cundinamarca, consider it important to make use of places designed and prepared specifically for the needs of this population group, making the most of specialized services.
It is important to make use of places designed and prepared specifically for the needs of this population group.
break stereotypes
Lack of knowledge sometimes leads us to create preconceived ideas regarding what aging is and entails, and especially what surrounds residential resources for the care of assisted or dependent older adults.
Getting to know and analyze the care processes in centers will undoubtedly help to change these preconceived ideas. It will allow us to understand, in a different way, the aging process and move from ideas that place this moment of life in an environment of resignation and lack of motivation, to ideas that allow us to understand it as a new stage full of possibilities.
(Also read: Old age is reached in Cali with less income to live on and few studies)
“Living in a community environment, calm, pleasant, designed so that the entire environment is accessible, in which everything is designed for them, where they are cared for in a specialized manner by perfectly qualified professionals and where they are the center of attention, without It is undoubtedly the best environment where we would all like to enjoy this new phase of life”, Díaz pointed out.
In case you have more questions or have suggestions on topics you would like to read regarding, please write to [email protected].
Mr. Vanessa Ortiz
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