“The bullet that killed him belongs to the Prefecture”

2023-08-18 12:21:00

«From the same expertise, supported by the defense, it emerges that the bullet that killed Rafael Nahuel belongs to the Prefecture«. The lawyer of the parents of the young Mapuche murdered in Villa Mascardi, Rubén Marigo, ruled out the statement of the albatross of the Prefecture that stated that Rafael Nahuel was killed by his companions.

This week the first two hearings of the oral and public trial for the aggravated homicide of Nahuel culminated, who died following being shot by a firearm on November 25, 2017, in Villa Mascardi. It will continue next week.

«The most striking thing is to have been able to reach the oral trial following 6 years. Beyond the delaying action of the process, we were able to begin the testing stage itselfMarigo said.

He once more questioned whether the trial is taking place in Roca and not in Bariloche, the city where the crime took place and where Nahuel’s parents live. «He hurts us enormously from the economic and organizational point of view to move there. It is a limitation on the right of access to justice. The argument is the lack of judges and the complexity of the tasks they have. But we maintain that it is an obligation of justice. It is easier for the court to move than all of us“, indicated and warned that a socio-environmental report demonstrates the socioeconomic vulnerability of Rafael Nahuel’s family.

Marigo also questioned whether the five prefects of the albatross group who are accused -Francisco Javier Pintos, Juan Ramón Obregón, Carlos Valentín Sosa and Sergio Damián García- were not present at the start of the trial. «We opposed Zoom because it was a logical medium in the pandemic, but it is already a stage that has been overcome“, said.

The hearings will continue next week. Marigo was confident that he might demonstrate “the homicide doubly aggravated by the use of weapons and by having been carried out by security forces«. But he also noticed discriminatory statements towards the Mapuche people by the two albatross who gave their statement. «Those who made use of the right to speak in the investigation had a clearly authoritarian and discriminatory bias. This further aggravates the fact“, said the lawyer of the Permanent Assembly for Human Rights (APDH) Bariloche.

In the second hearing, both Pintos and Sosa said they had no doubt that Rafael Nahuel “was killed by his companions, since we were shooting from the front and the shot that hit him entered from behind, from his rear.”

Regarding these statements, Marigo considered that “it was obvious that they might say anything. But it’s impossible. The bullet that killed Rafael Nahuel belongs to the Prefecture as well as the other 130 projectiles that were found in the place«.

«In addition, there were no injuries from Prefecture. This shows that there is no excess in legitimate defense either because there is no confrontation. There is a hunt in the mountains that ends with the murder of Rafael and injuries to two other Mapuches who did not die by chance. The five albatrosses shot and are responsible for the death of Rafael Nahuel », he concluded.

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