Nicolas Sarkozy’s New Book “Le Temps des combats”: Praise for Marine Le Pen and Insights on French Politics

2023-08-17 21:58:00

In Nicolas Sarkozy’s new book “Le Temps des combats”, excerpts of which BFMTV was able to consult, the former President of the Republic salutes the “progress” of the leader of the French far right.

After having dubbed the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin, the former President of the Republic Nicolas Sarkzoy gives several lines of praise to Marine Le Pen, the National Rally MP in his new book Le Temps des combats, excerpts from which BFMTV was able to consult .

In this book, which covers the period between 2009 and 2011 at the Élysée, Nicolas Sarkozy evokes the presidential election of 2027.

But it also discusses the arrival at the National Assembly of the RN, which for the first time since the end of the 1980s was able to form a parliamentary group at the Palais Bourbon. “Marine Le Pen has made great progress on her side!”, writes Nicolas Sarkozy.

“She knows her files better and knows how to expose them with more calm, strength and moderation. I never liked her demonization”, explains the former tenant of the Élysée.

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“How, moreover, at the same time, accuse her of not being a Republican and authorize her to present candidates until she obtains 89 deputies?” continues Nicolas Sarkozy regarding Marine Le Pen.

The former President of the Republic also judges that it is an RN deputy who should have exercised the presidency of the Finance Committee. “The most important opposition group in the National Assembly is the National Rally. Whether we like it or not!”, he wrote.

In Le Temps des combats, Nicolas Sarkozy also returns to the support he gave to Emmanuel Macron during the 2022 presidential election.

“I do not regret this decision. I would even renew it, if I had to. person of the outgoing president”, writes the former tenant of the Élysée.

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Still on the 2022 presidential election, Nicolas Sarkozy assures that not supporting the Republican candidate, Valérie Pécresse, was “a heartbreak”.

“But following having had several interviews with her, I understood that this possibility was not possible, not for me, but for our country”, writes Nicolas Sarkozy, who fires red balls at the president of the region. Ile-de-France:

“However good willed she was, she was not ready. She had neither the team nor the maturity to face such an ordeal. The bar was too high, as the result showed. I thought that this would be a disaster. It was a disaster!”

Who to take over on the right? In his book, Nicolas Sarkozy believes that Eric Ciotti “has not lacked energy and courage lately”.

As for Laurent Wauquiez, the former President of the Republic “has not changed his mind”: “[Je l’ai] still considered one of the brightest of his generation. (…) now he knows how to put himself in danger by leaving his comfort zone“.

In addition, Nicolas Sarkozy addresses a spade to the leader of La France insoumise, Jean-Luc Mélenchon. “To choose the far left, whatever the talent of its leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon, was to reconnect with the most violent pages of our history, the Commune, the Terror”, writes the former leader of the right.

Anne Saurat-Dubois with Ariel Guez

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