Combatting Domestic Violence: Emmanuel’s Case Highlights the Urgency for Change

2023-08-17 14:30:00

After a misunderstanding for several minutes, Emmanuel’s case was finally mentioned this Thursday morning before the Charleroi Criminal Court. Alas, without the principal concerned. Having refused his extraction (he is in prison) to come and defend himself, the 36-year-old man then instructed his lawyer to be his spokesperson.

Two periods of violence are blamed on the thirties.

Sexism, domestic violence, feminicide: actions in Charleroi to denounce

One shot yes, but no more, and “he regrets”

On February 4, at the marital home, the neighbor of the couple formed for ten months by Emmanuel and Laetitia adopted the right reflex by dialing 101. “As is regularly the case, she heard cries, screams, noises deaf”, specifies the parquet floor. When the police arrive on the scene, she faces a companion in a worrying state. “She is shocked and terrified. She confirms that she has been frequently beaten for four months and at the start, she even refuses to be heard for fear of reprisals from her companion”, adds the public prosecutor.

The police report shows a huge bruise on the victim’s body. For her part, the neighbor agrees with Laetitia’s words. “His companion is always screaming at it,” she says. For this scene of blows, Emmanuel admits having dealt a single blow to the victim and claims to “regret it”. On the other hand, there is no question of taking responsibility for the ordeal described by the victim for several months.

Domestic violence: 8 complaints every day to the police, the figures are nauseating

The message of justice misunderstood by the defendant, already convicted in the past

To punish the violent attitude of the defendant, which is estimated to date back several months on the side of the prosecution, severity is advocated. Thirty months in prison are required once morest Emmanuel, in a state of legal recidivism and who counts four specific antecedents. “He did not understand the message of justice over the previous convictions”, notes the deputy public prosecutor.

In the defense, for the only scene of violence recognized by the defendant, a probationary stay is pleaded by admitting the existence of a problem of violence in Emmanuel.

Judgment at the end of the month.

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#Cries #screams #muffled #noises #neighbor #calls #police #Laetitia



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