Herbal Tea Guide: Boosting Immunity and Vitality for Everyday Life

2023-08-17 09:31:12

Drinking herbal tea for everyday life, boosting immunity and vitality

Enter 2023.08.17 18:30 Hits 10 Enter 2023.08.17 18:30 Edit 2023.08.17 16:58 Hits 10

Ginger tea is good for indigestion and diarrhea due to cold stomach and intestines. [사진= 게티이미지뱅크]There are many people around who have lost their energy due to the constant heat wave and tropical nights. On top of that, front-line practitioners say that an increasing number of people are receiving medical treatment because they catch a cold or worsen allergic rhinitis due to excessive air conditioning. In this case, herbal medicinal tea in daily life can help normalize immunity and improve symptoms of respiratory diseases.

Yakcha is to select those that are not very strong among the ingredients used for medicine and use them as food. Oriental doctors say, “Every person has a different constitution, so it is not desirable for anyone to overuse it unconditionally just because it is good.” Therefore, it is good to know in detail what suits you well through constitutional diagnosis.

Ginger tea good for people with cold body

It is a good tea for indigestion and diarrhea due to cold stomach or intestines. People with vomiting symptoms, cold arms and legs are good for getting cold, and coughing due to cold is helpful when there is an abnormality in the body due to wind, sweat, and damp. First, pick a large, white ginger, wash it clean, peel it, slice it thinly, pour water, boil it, and filter out the residue. It is usually drunk with honey or sugar.

Cinnamon tea to warm the stomach

The energy is warm, so it warms the inside and disperses the cold energy to drive out the cold, so it treats symptoms of diarrhea or pain in the back or knees due to cold. First, put cinnamon in water and boil it for regarding 20 minutes, then remove the cinnamon, boil it once more, add honey or sugar to suit your taste, and drink it cold to add more flavor. Another way is to crush the cinnamon, thinly slice the ginger, put it together, boil it, filter out the residue, and slice the jujube thinly and float it.

Jujube tea to make you sleep

It nourishes the spleen, invigorates the stomach, and invigorates. The stomach is weak, so the food is tasteless, and the spleen is weak, so it is good for thin stools and can help with insomnia. Excessive use can damage the qi, so it is good to take the right amount. Cut the jujube into 2-3 pieces, add the jujube seeds and boil it. Jujube itself is high in sugar, so it is better not to add sugar or honey.

Ginseng Tea to Stop Vomiting and Diarrhea

Ginseng contains a large amount of ingredients such as glycogen, fatty acid, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, saponin, and vitamins A, B, and C. It has a good effect on relieving boredom, vomiting, diarrhea, anemia, and thirst. It is not recommended to take it continuously for more than 6 months, and people with high fever should be careful because there is a concern regarding side effects. Put 10g of ginseng in 500ml of water and decoct it, or mix 1~2 tablespoons of ginseng powder in 1 cup of boiling water and drink. Add honey or sugar according to your preference.

Angelica tea is very good for women

Dong Quai contains ingredients such as vitamin E and B12, and plays a role in regulating women’s menstruation and actively supplying blood to the whole body. It is effective for dysmenorrhea, menstrual pain, and stress, and is good for people with sensitive nerves and helps with anemia. People with weak stomachs may experience digestive problems. Discard the roots of Angelica quail and use only the body. Add 40g of Angelica quai and 7g of cinnamon to 2 liters of water and boil for regarding 15 minutes.

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