Rebuilding a Modern New Jiangmen: Challenges, Opportunities, and Strategies

2023-08-17 02:26:48

Jiangmen Daily News (Reporter/Tang Da Correspondent/Mo Xiaoqing) On the afternoon of August 16, Chen Anming, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Party Group of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress, and Director Chen Anming emphasized in his concluding speech and participation in group discussions that it is necessary to anchor the “walking in the With the general goal of “rebuilding a modern new Jiangmen”, we will promote innovative breakthroughs and creative development in various tasks, and strive to write a new chapter of Chinese-style modern Jiangmen.

Chen Anming pointed out that this plenary session has a clear theme, rich content, and high efficiency, achieving the purpose of unifying thinking, clarifying tasks, strengthening confidence, and inspiring motivation. To achieve the goals and tasks of the plenary session, we must overcome difficulties, climb steep slopes, and forge through dangerous beaches, which will always test our ability level, and even more test our determination, will, and courage. The whole city should rejuvenate the spirit of being an entrepreneur, breaking new ground and making new achievements with an attitude of never waiting for others and indomitable struggle.

Chen Anming emphasized that to rebuild a modernized New Jiangmen, we must set the right direction and align with the benchmarks, build political loyalty, solidify the ideological foundation, enhance political capabilities, and unswervingly march forward in the direction guided by the General Secretary. To recreate a modernized New Jiangmen, we must boost our spirits, work hard, be brave enough to be the first, have the “motivation” to seize the day and night, and strive for the first-class “effort” to create first-class in the competition of learning and catching up. , Become first-class. To rebuild a modern new Jiangmen, we must temper our skills and be good at doing good things, so as to promote high-quality development, serve the masses, and prevent and resolve risks. We must shoulder heavy responsibilities and forge ahead. To rebuild a modernized New Jiangmen, we must take responsibility and work hard to maximize the encouragement of cadres to dare to do things, local governments to dare to break through, enterprises to dare to do things, and the masses to dare to innovate, so as to promote Jiangmen’s development step by step and the people’s better life to rise step by step with practical achievements. , with extraordinary efforts to create a new situation beyond expectations.

Chen Anming emphasized that the second half of the year is a period of concentrated efforts to complete the annual goals and tasks, and it is also a period of golden opportunity for rapid progress. Departments at all levels in the city must keep an unwavering focus on the goals, solidly carry out thematic education, make every effort to promote economic improvement, resolutely hold the bottom line of safe development, deepen comprehensive and strict party governance, and strive for the best results.

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“To seek development and seek the future, we must have a vision and a pattern,” Chen Anming pointed out when participating in a group discussion. The current economic and social development of Jiangmen presents an upward and positive development trend, with opportunities and challenges coexisting. We must firmly grasp the major strategic opportunities given by the General Secretary to the new positioning of the Greater Bay Area, correctly respond to the risks and challenges brought about by the complex changes in the domestic and foreign environments, and deeply understand the strategic considerations that the country and the province have entrusted to Jiangmen with missions and tasks. Planning and promoting large platforms and large projects in the overall situation of the province. Leading cadres at all levels must have foresight, structure, and ideas, seek the overall situation, grasp the key points, and achieve major events, and make good use of superior policies, funds, and resource support, so that a “rice seed” will germinate and become a “rice field”. Become the power source to promote the high-quality development of Jiangmen. All counties (cities, districts) should act as the “main force” and “vanguard” of Jiangmen’s development, give full play to their respective comparative advantages, identify work force points and breakthrough points, and form a development situation of “seven horses” galloping forward; Use the power of the market to enhance the confidence in the development of the whole society, do our best to do a good job in the second half of the year, and lay a solid foundation and solid foundation for achieving new and greater development next year.

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