The Vigil of the Yser: Flemish Ultra-Nationalists’ Annual Event to Commemorate Fallen Flemish Soldiers

2023-08-16 16:31:43

The Vigil of the Yser, the annual event of the Flemish ultra-nationalists on the last Sunday of August, can be held on August 27 in Ypres. The latter was the flagship event of Flemish nationalism for several decades, but it no longer brings together, on the first Sunday of September, more than a few hundred people in Diksmuide, in memory of the Flemish soldiers who died at the front during the First World War. world.

The organizers have signed a “peace charter“that the City imposed on them for fear of excesses, given the announced presence of Dries Van Langenhove as speaker, we learned on Wednesday from the municipal authorities.

The municipal college maintains its dissatisfaction with this invitation from the former deputy Vlaams Belang, founder of the extremist youth movement Schild & Vrienden, and who is being prosecuted for racism and negationism. “His coming cannot be legally prohibited“, according to the college.”However, our City has insisted on the essential condition of signing and respecting the peace charter. We have since received from the organization’s lawyer confirmation of this signature, without reservation or conditionality.“.This charter establishes that racism, discrimination and hate speech have no place in Ypres. Checks will be carried out before, during and following the event.”In recent years, the Vigil of the Yser has been uneventful, so we hope that this will be the case once more this year.“, adds the City.

Mayor Emmily Talpe (Open Vld) is already calling for serenity during this weekend. A “fellowship evening“, planned the day before the Vigil, was not authorized, for lack of clarity on its content. The organization is currently contesting this refusal before the Council of State. For twenty years, the Vigil de l’Yser brings together the radical dissidence of the Pilgrimage of the Yser, considered too moderate.

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