Yellow Fever Outbreak: Alarming Monkey Death in Brazil Triggers Health Concerns in Argentina

2023-08-16 16:22:39
A monkey who died of yellow fever in Brazil set off alarms in the area and in northern Argentina (AP Photo/Bruna Prado)

The death of a monkey in Brazil, very close to the border with southern Misiones, due to yellow fever, once once more set off health alarms in that province and also in Corrientes, where it was decided to intensify epidemiological surveillance.

The State Health Surveillance Center of Rio Grande do Sul, in Brazil, found the dead primate in the town of Parada Cristal, near Caxias do Sul, a city 550 kilometers from the border with Argentina.

During their animal health review, the Brazilian health authorities had reported until last June the death of 73 monkeys in 26 municipalities. Of this total, samples were taken from 66 of the animals and only two of them detected the yellow fever virus, of which one died.

Brazil holds an important vaccination campaign once morest yellow fever (AP)

There had been no cases of this disease in animals for 5 years and 14 in humans, forcing health experts to reinforce monitoring and asking rural residents to report the appearance of dead or sick monkeys.

“We are aware of only one deceased animal and since last August 2, preventive measures began to be reinforced. More than anything we must convey peace of mind to the population since the yellow fever vaccine is part of our vaccination schedule. The population should be calm, since there are vaccines in the province”, clarified the director of the Southern Health Zone of Misiones, María Silvia Rodríguez, following the death of a monkey suspected of the disease in Brazil.

“Now what has been activated is the control and alert protocol in order to be calm and prevented if this progresses. People who want to travel to Brazil and want to get vaccinated must do so 10 days before making the trip, thus achieving the necessary immunity once morest this disease,” added the professional, in statements to FM 89.3 Santa María de las Misiones, who added that ” Those who want to get vaccinated can go to a health center at any point in Misiones and apply the corresponding dose.

This past southern summer there was a major outbreak of yellow fever in the Latin American region

In any case, Rodríguez also announced that they will be vaccinated, especially in hospitals, health centers in the four departments of the southern zone of Misiones, since the death of the primate took place in said border area with Brazil. The operations are already being carried out in the departments of San Javier, Alem, Concepción de la Sierra and Apóstoles, in all their municipalities.

Vaccination once morest yellow fever is an essential process, and the doctor explained that “the first dose is administered between 12 and 18 months, followed by a booster at 11 years. If a person older than 2 years has not been vaccinated, a single dose should be applied to obtain immunity for life.

Regarding possible contraindications, he mentioned that people with a fever and pregnant women should consult a doctor before getting vaccinated. “We continue to educate the population regarding prevention, using repellents, appropriate clothing, and eliminating water containers that might be breeding grounds for mosquitoes,” the expert requested.

Laboratory analysis confirmed two cases of yellow fever in monkeys in Brazil

Although Brazil and Paraguay do not require vaccination, the priority is to protect the Argentine population. “Our fundamental role is to prevent and prepare for any eventuality,” he concluded.

Meanwhile, when talking regarding how this disease is spread, the doctor from the Ministry of Public Health explained: “The reservoir is the person infected with yellow fever and the mosquito that transmits the disease is the aedes aegypti, it bites this infected person and then bites a healthy person and that way this disease is transmitted”.

“This mosquito appears mainly in the early hours of the morning and then in the early hours of the followingnoon, times in which one should pay special attention in terms of taking care of the bites,” he added.

In addition to vaccination, fumigation once morest transmitting mosquitoes is important (

Fabián Zelaya, director of Environmental Sanitation of the Misiones Ministry of Public Health, said: “We have activated the alert in the southern part of the province. The health agents are working mainly in the rural areas of Apóstoles and Azara house to house to vaccinate those who are not yet immunized and also to detect suspected febrile cases.

Meanwhile, in Corrientes, the Director of Epidemiology, Angelina Bobadilla stated: “We are with active surveillance and we are working on vaccination in the Garruchos area house to house.”

According to informa According to the National Ministry of Health, yellow fever is a viral disease that is transmitted through the bite of certain species of mosquitoes. It can be serious and lead to death. Transmission only occurs through the bite of certain species of infected mosquitoes. It is not transmitted through personal contact, objects, etc.

Although anyone can get yellow fever, older people and children are at higher risk of severe illness. It has no treatment but can be prevented:

Vaccination once morest yellow fever is key to stopping the disease

-Through specific vaccination.

-Using repellents.

-Using long-sleeved clothing and light and uniform colors.

-Placing mosquito nets in your home.

-Eliminating containers that can accumulate water in homes.

-Having mosquito nets, air conditioning and/or fan in the lodging place.

-Covering the baby’s stroller with tulle

It begins abruptly, with high fever, chills, and headache. In addition, muscle pain, nausea and vomiting may appear. There are forms that present with mild and non-specific symptoms.

Severe forms often cause hemorrhage, liver failure, and multiple organ failure.

It is essential to quickly consult the health team in the presence of some of the symptoms mentioned and not to self-medicate. Commonly used fever reducers can be extremely harmful.

Keep reading:

Yellow fever, an epidemic that revealed the worst of Buenos Aires 150 years following the yellow fever epidemic in Buenos Aires: the collapse of cemeteries and the corpses piled up at their doors Winter holidays: the Ministry of Health recommended that travelers be vaccinated once morest yellow fever
#Yellow #fever #alert #Misiones #Corrientes #activated #sanitary #protocols #infected #monkey #Brazil



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