Smallpox Monkeypox: Disease Prevention and Transmission – Your Ultimate Guide

2023-08-16 06:22:08

Smallpox Monkeypox ????
(disease caused by a virus of the smallpox family)
???? Contact
From animals to people ???? The source of disease will be in rodents, rodents, squirrels and groups of all species of monkeys. It is mostly found in Central and West Africa. through contact with the blood, secretions or wounds of infected animals including the consumption of undercooked infected meat
From person to person ???? through contact with secretions, lesions, or sharing items with an infected person. As for the passage of aerosols from inhalation caused by prolonged close contact
⚠️Incubation period After infection, the patient will begin to develop symptoms within 5-21 days⚠️
???? Prevention
1. Clean your hands with water or alcohol gel often.
2. Wear a hygienic mask. in a public place
3. Eat cooked food.
4. Do not share personal belongings with others.
5. Avoid contact with patients who have symptoms or are at high risk of smallpox.
6. Avoid close contact with rodents or monkeys that have Imported from Africa
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