Industry on the working time debate: Reason and common sense required

2023-08-15 13:15:15

Ideology-driven debate damages the attractiveness of the location – weekly working hours in Austria are already below the EU average – create incentives for better performance

Vienna (OTS) The renewed debate regarding reducing working hours in Austria shows a rash approach and ignores the fundamental economic realities and challenges facing industry and the economy. In addition to rising production and energy costs, it is in particular the lack of workers and skilled workers that puts domestic industry under pressure in international competition. Georg Knill, President of the Federation of Austrian Industries (IV), therefore insists on an ideology-free and honest performance debate: “Due to demographic change, we expect that around 540,000 workers will be missing in the next 10 to 12 years, even without reducing working hours. Common sense shows you that this cannot work out. A reduction in working hours – whether immediately or only in the next few years – would be extremely dangerous under these circumstances.”

In addition, the figures clearly show that there is already less work in Austria than in many other EU countries – even in full-time jobs. Eurostat data show that the actual weekly working time for full-time employees (taking vacations, public holidays and other days off) into account for employees in Austria is well below the EU average and thus in the bottom third. While people in this country actually worked an average of 37.65 hours in 2022, the EU average was 38.35 hours, and in Germany it was even 38.9 hours. “The weekly working time in Austria is already at the lower limit in a European comparison – calls for a further reduction in working hours with full wage compensation damage the location and suddenly increase the cost of hourly wages by 20 percent. The current signals also point to a recession in winter. A further increase in prices due to a reduction in working hours would be downright absurd,” says Knill.

So that the location does not continue to lose competitiveness and attractiveness and so that the public community does not come under further pressure, the unused potential on the labor market should be leveraged and the right incentives should be set, including employment beyond retirement age. “We should talk much more regarding incentives that can be implemented quickly in order to increase performance potential on the labor market. Abolishing pension insurance contributions for people who work past retirement age would be a strong lever on the labor market – a win-win for employees and employers.” Industry also proposed an increase in the number of overtime hours benefited to 20 hours in the IV package of measures “Achievement must be worthwhile” suggested.

Questions & contact:

industrial association
Simon Slowik
Deputy spokesman
+43 (1) 711 35-7516

#Industry #working #time #debate #Reason #common #sense #required



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