Microsoft makes products available in the Azure regions in Brazil

2023-08-15 16:03:49

Azure Ultra Disk Storage and Azure Red Hat OpenShift are some of the solutions that are available to be used by customers locally

São Paulo, August 15, 2023 – Microsoft continually makes new services and solutions available in its cloud, so that customers can enjoy these features in local data centers, the company gradually brings these features to the Azure regions available in Brazil. Availability can be monitored through the portal Azure updates | Microsoft Azure, which concentrates the latest news brought to the country.

Among the solutions that have been made available recently are:

Zone redundant storage for Azure Disks, a solution that provides synchronous replication of data across three Availability Zones within one region, allowing disks to tolerate failures without causing application disruptions. In addition, it allows you to maximize virtual machine availability without the need for application-level data replication across zones. You can also use this solution with shared disks to provide higher availability for clustered or distributed applications such as SQL FCI, SAP ASCS/SCS or GFS2. Now, the solution is available in the Brazil South region.

We also make available in the Brazil South region the Azure Automation supporting PowerShell 7.2 and Python 3.10 runbooks. We’ve expanded support in a public preview release that brings new runtimes and support for cloud and hybrid tasks. The Azure Portal experience for creating and running runbooks remains the same as previously available runtime versions. PowerShell 7.2 and Python 3.10 can be easily selected via the dropdown during runbook creation.

Already Azure Ultra Disk Storage it is a higher performance storage option for virtual machines, especially for data intensive workloads like SAP HANA, with the use of SSD and without the need to restart the Virtual Machine. Now available in the Brazil Southeast region, the tool also offers low latency, with up to 10 times less time to execute an activity.

Another new feature is the Azure Red Hat OpenShift, a managed service tool that offers OpenShift clusters on Microsoft Azure. In addition to being available in the Brazil Southeast region, the solution brings new features to support workload optimization, offer enhanced security and improve performance. Now, it is possible to create a private cluster without a public IP in UDR Mode (mode that defines the network route to access the solution). In this way, it is possible to achieve greater network protection and security, since the network is not easily accessible by people who are not related to the organization that created the cluster. There was also the addition of the Egress Lockdown feature that provides access to key Azure resources through the private ARO Private Link service. This allows management URLs to be accessed from a private endpoint, thus eliminating the need to access Azure Container Registry.

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O Azure Private endpoint support para application security groups (ASGs) is another resource focused on security that is now available in the Brazil South region, this time increasing protection in subnets without leaving aside the pre-established criteria for the network. The feature allows you to add more control over existing Network Security Group rules by attaching an Application Security Group to the private endpoint’s network interface.

We also provide preview of the Azure Chaos Studio, a service to improve the resilience of applications and infrastructures through simulations and failure tests in a controlled environment, at Azure Brazil South. The tool allows the IT area to carry out fully managed chaos engineering experiments, accelerating the discovery of possible system or application failures, preparing it for the most different adversities, whether caused by cyberattacks or unavailability.

“We know our customers’ needs and we are attentive to local demands to make the best products and solutions available in the Azure regions in Brazil, this is Microsoft’s commitment to Brazil, to generate business growth for our customers through our technologies.” , says Stéfany Mazon, Azure leader at Microsoft Brazil.

About Microsoft

Microsoft (Nasdaq “MSFT” @microsoft) enables digital transformation in the era of the intelligent cloud and the intelligent edge. Microsoft’s mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. The company has been in Brazil for 34 years and is one of the subsidiaries of Microsoft Corporation, founded in 1975, which is present in over 190 countries. From July 2021 to June 2022, the company invested more than US$ 15 million in donations and discounts for non-profit entities, impacting more than 2,000 institutions with software donations, discounts for purchases and support for training projects. With the launch of the Microsoft For Startups Founders Hub, 443 new startups were approved, totaling 703 supported startups, which together have consumed USD 11,898,488.00 of Azure cloud credits.

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