2023-08-15 12:18:12
03:13 PM Tuesday, August 15, 2023
Books – Karim Hassan
Stage 4 cancer is the most advanced stage of the disease, which means that the cancer has spread to other parts of the body, and you may be able to live for years with stage 4 cancer.
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In the following lines, the “Consulto” explains everything you need to know regarding stage four cancer, according to the “Very well health” website.
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Symptoms of stage four cancer
Stage IV cancer is when cancer has spread to organs far from the original tumor site.
Symptoms of stage 4 cancer depend on the type of disease and, more importantly, where it occurred.
Most of the time, stage IV cancer affects not only the part of the body where it originated, but also the areas to which it has spread.
Common symptoms of metastatic cancer include:
1- Lung cancer: shortness of breath, coughing, or coughing up blood, and chest pain.
2- Liver: pain, weight loss, yellowing of the skin, and abdominal swelling.
3- Bones: Pain, especially severe back pain, as well as leg numbness, loss of bowel or bladder control, and fractures, especially without injury.
4- Brain: Headache, dizziness, nausea, problems with speech or vision, difficulty walking, confusion, and seizures.
Stage 4 cancer can also cause general symptoms, such as extreme tiredness and lack of energy, difficulty doing everyday tasks, and the person may need help getting dressed.
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Causes of stage IV cancer
Reasons for cancer diagnosed at stage IV to spread to an organ or part of the body away from the original tumor include:
Breaking away from a tumor, cancer cells find their way into the bloodstream or, more often, the lymphatic system, a network that helps transport white blood cells and remove harmful substances from the body.
Cells in the blood or lymph fluid travel to another part of the body, attach to tissues there, and once attached, the cells grow while fighting the immune system at the same time.
Cancer spread often begins in the same area where the original cells were found, for example, breast cancer may spread to the lymph nodes under the arm.
Common ways cancer spreads include:
– Lung cancer to the adrenal glands, bone, brain, liver and other lung.
Breast cancer in the bones, brain, liver and lungs.
– Prostate cancer to the adrenal glands, bones, liver and lungs
– Colon and rectal cancer in the liver, lungs and peritoneum (the lining of the abdomen).
– Skin, bone, brain, liver, lung, skin and muscle cancer
Diagnosis of cancer in the fourth stage
Many of the tests and procedures used to diagnose cancers at an early stage can be used to diagnose stage 4 cancer, including the following:
Biopsy: A small amount of tissue is removed from the suspected area of spread. This might be something like breast tissue, skin, or even bone marrow, and examined under a microscope for signs of abnormal cells.
Imaging tests: The images allow a view of the inside of the body to examine the tumor, and help determine its location, how big it is, and how it affects other organs and blood flow.
Tests used to diagnose cancer include:
– X ray.
Computed tomography (CT).
Magnetic resonance imaging.
– Ultrasound.
Positron emission tomography (PET) scan.
Laboratory analyzes.
Many of the tests done to analyze blood, other body fluids, and biopsy tissue can be used to diagnose cancer.
Endoscopy, a procedure in which a tube or wire attached to a small camera is used to look at the internal organs and take pictures of them. This procedure can also help guide the practitioner during the biopsy.
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